
Watch Bojack Horseman

And there's a better way to do

Also Rick just funny and cool, I can at least engage with Rick not tragically but just sheer entertainment

Rick's a complex Byronic anti Hero within basically a Shakespearean tragedy dealing cosmic horror (perhaps the fourth wall itself)

What insecurities? Beach City such an inclusive and friendly town, there's no hardship for Lars, he has no problems, no tragic backstory

Not every conservation

Sadie can do better, than that emotional abusive distant jerk Lars treating her as a Moped

Lars just annoys me, to make a jerk character likable

This episode would be better if Zoidberg showed up to eat that

The show can raise the stakes by killing the characters I don't like as fodder

There's like a few dozen people, how could the Cool kids not bother to learn Sadie's name

It would be better if Lars dies, and they made a new character voiced by Dante Basco

Lars was called Filipino by one of the writers

Ugh Lars sucks, and the writers jamming in a forced hobby does make me like him, as he has no problems except he made just to bitch

H Jon Benjamin would all I need for this, though he had such a young voice back then

For once this franchise better use Anthrax's "I am The Law"

Pffft umm Caramel?

Pfft I could give a crap about my ancestors, they were probably douchebags

Calm down Judge Dredd, life isn't an action movie where you get to shoot at people because your feeling is hurt