
Rayman 2 outrank both Mario and Banjo Kazooie

Miyamoto didn't like Donkey Kong Country :p

I think the 3d Platformer was only perfected by the PS2 with Ratchet and Clank, Sly, and Jak

I thought Rayman 2 was the best 3d platformer of the N64

Freedom Planet improved Sonic immensenly by building on Sonic mechanics not be limited like say Sonic 4 as this guy discusses

Personally I rather have a 3d platformer with limited to no collecting as that's an outdated gimmick needed for N64 limited hardware, and just do something different with basic 3d control scheme, I was nostalgia for PS2 3d platformers not N64's

Playtonic should take advantage of the improve hardware like Freedom Planet did, but Playtonic limited themselves with their Collect-a-thon mechanic

So far the reviews have been not as stellar as I expected, but then I remembered; I was not a big fan of Collect-a-thons, I was however a fan of 3d platforming

With class A talents such as Phil and Tara, this episode was hysterical, and also show why Zack Synder such a hack with Justice League trailer half ass "humor", this is how you make serious edgy stuff seem fun, especially with different personalities, Jack's dry one liners are amazing

Some Noir movies are like that, limited to one perspective

Eh this season could be fun, but it seem fanficy with such a drastic change of setting

One of Wayne Knight underappreciated efforts

Trivia: Bryan and Mike worked on Zim

In other news, Nick still aint got new ideas, though I like Harvey Beaks which they screwed up with their scheduling

Oh a Post Scarcity economy could have art, if the government doesn't control it

I'm not expert on Trek history, but seen enough Next Gen

People let the federation approve art within their own censorship

Capitalism bringing you VR and 3d printers, closer to Trek tech than North Korea and Cuba ever could have done

Notice music (of the original franchise) stopped around 1800s, no movies, comics, and funny t shirts

Donald Trump is not a libertarian, he's ruining the free market, like Conservatives does for decades feeding failed business like coal, holding back a car that runs on water, also with a Libertarian America, Trump could have been dirt poor and dead by 30.