

Well I believe progressive change can be done with free market, when thinking adults are not categorized by socialist identity politics American are having. Democrats owned slaves and jumped ship to Republicanism to opress others such as gay people

Well isn't there like a corrupt Starfleet admiral on every season of Next Gen?

Huh, that does show how Rick faked a memory as Beth way too young

Hey Rick shot that bathroom rapist for Morty, I say Rick is narcissist that need at least a little validation from his family, and gave himself up for his family with only a flimsy gambit to escape with.

Oh man will we get Starco?

As a bleeding heart green progressive libertarian, I could tell you're just confused with republianis withbwhat I would socialism for rich white people since Nixon's Southern Strategy

I think the collapse of the intergalatic government, showcase how flimsy these "benevelot" governments are

This show feels very Libertarian to me, as it showcase how flimsly idealized society may fall without salaries

Jack was always a trained killer, also does that mean Jack a specist? No remorse for alien life

Than are they gonna have a cameo, that's the only way I can think that can fix this

One was blew up

Why do people forget about the bounty hunters episodes? Humans died at that episode

I like Skyfall

I saw Samurai Jack when I was 10, and by then I probably knew Power Rangers were lame

Pfft my generation's nostalgia comeback Samurai Jack mixed emotional edginess with humor way better

James Bond may be the only movie franchise using Super cereal Nolanzation successfuly

They went bankrupt

So over two decades later, and there's hardly new public domain content?

I rather watch a female bonding relationship with Tina and a girl her age that doesn't take advantage of her, a dynamic I barely see rather than Linda being crazy