
This episode reminds me of Professor Farnsworth line's about forced mating

I would laugh even harder if Steven used "Randy Third best Lacross player" moniker like Archer

A backstory not a personality, that's shoddy writing this series have with antagonists, they seem so stiff

Zarkon slowly…. intrigues me, at least more than him being a Marvel movie villain… Star Wars villains have more personality, they may be shallow, but have way more fun, Palpatine, Jabba, Tarkin, Cad Bane are fun to watch, Zarkon more of a wet blanket than Ronan

Pfft just a human zoo, The Collector got way more, including a duck…..

Twitchy finger North Korea?

Than why doesn't Kim Jong Un nuke the giant space robot hand

But the show's tone just too serious to me

They could, just have Peridot almost get dissected at Area 51

Though I'm right about Korea, they just refer Korea as Korea

Steven asking direct questions? this episode broke new grounds

How can you explain a lack of a human military

Haha, there's no North Korea, communism didn't happen because Karl Marx and Russia wasn't there, therefore no major wars, which mean no military industrial complex, so spaceships can just land on earth without Will Smith punching them, Earth has no defense system

I don not like those globby Miyazaki tears when Steven was all Deeana Troi, looks ugly and gross

Bastard you took Lemmy too early

If only the other Adam Sutler dies…. that's a Trump jab

If they got Alice Cooper on this show, I would have gave this episode an A-