
I meant his soft mumbling smooth voice

When did Alice Cooper showed up? Also Luke Perry… still smooth :p

Saying it now, Adventure Time not gonna end as well, maybe Steven Universe

Maybe on the blu ray boxset we get alternative ending with Margaret or CJ

Regular Show been with me since after high school graduation, I bought the first blu ray, Rigby plush, and Art of Book, all autographed

I like to be snarky and deconstructive, even with stuff I like (even geniuses like Megadeth had Super Collider but kicked Metallica ass again with Dystopia)

I guess I just wish the slow filler pacing was much more quicker

"I am not a merry man"
-Worf, who I met and got him to say this

So humans are useless to Gems? I guess Gems barely respect humans more than Vegans respect pigs, they need protecting but are just stupid defenseless animals

At this point we could have a philosphical debate on humans, wether we're special or cosmically speaking insignificant, as Rick Sanchez understood

If the show ends with Beach city helping the gems defend their home, it would partially fix the show for me

The themes of this shows kinda falls flat if the gems don't make a better investment with humans more than rich liberals attending a fancy charity banquet for poor third world countries to pat themselves on the back, liking them enough to give money, but not enough respect to have have reasonable and fair business

Nah just Rose/Steven, also maybe Connie because she's seem useful to Steven, a playmate, or pet, a tool for Steven

Regular Show was awesome tonight

Only if it included a Cannibal Corpse song

Did you notice Bismuth didn't ask about the humans, sometimes I think Gems just don't care about humans and are just humoring Rose with her pet project

I thought she was just gonna try to gut Steven, dig the gem out with gore

Nitpick, so if Gems fought with humans how do they not understand basic biology, though Garnet Ruby/Sapphire seem to understand more as they may be part of genocides of other planets

Meh, also I don't the show chibi deformed look of babies on this show
