
I like the cutscenes, I don't even own a PS3

Sly Cooper may use Munroe skills well, as he does well with urban stealthy ninja stuff

He took Kevin Michael Ricardson's job

The bane of Spoony

Df Nefarious was hysterical in the third game, and voiced by that Ferengi guy from Star Trek

I read the cutscenes of the game are fine, I don't own a PS4 and enjoyed the older games, and I appreciate professional voice actors

I kept reading the cutscenes are fine, and I like Kevin Munroe action scenes on Ninja Turtles

I think they sent his paycheck to Kevin Michael Richardson by accident

Gene could go to college on music engineering

I would have just have Bob put the money in the children college funds,

My parents just don't get Megadeth, but I'm not complaining about that, Lisa is acting like snob douche like Jack Black from High Fidelity, but we're suppose to sympathize

So Lisa is becoming Brian Griffin?

Don't most kids have different taste in music than their parents

Maybe I would have like the episode more if it was call Mary Sue Plot hole

So the episode title was about ruining the franchise?

They made an episode with Hitler a confusing mess that barely has anything to do with Hitler, but confusing technobabble, I'm glad that hack is leaving

What more confusing plotholes techobabble schlock?

Im glad that hack that ruined pretty much everything Russel T Davis made won't ruin this franchise again

Peridot disturbingly explains why Jessica Jones should be with Kilgrave