
So basically Peridot would look up porn?

Peridot's shipping is one of my favorite part of this series, next episode I would like for her to write fanficiton.

I don't remember you specifically talking to me

So if the colonization is not just for resources but to occupy the planet itself, were there human slaves, also did Rose gave a crap about other sentitent lifeforms other than Gems and humans

Kind of, particularly after Garnet basically told Mayor Dwey to fuck off, not even a shallow courtesy "we're busy"

Eh like the other Crystal Gems Peridot only seem to protect Earth now from not having another option now

Eh I rather have Yellow Diamond be more racist towards humans, a personal disgust not just Rose but "lower lifeforms" that's the problem I had with Ozai, he just so distant from the rest of the world that there's less stakes for him

I hope they point that out in the next episode, it would make Peridot more interesting to me, than just have it just assume Peridot is nice now just for kindness towards Earth's people

I rather see Peridot face off Yellow Pearl, they would probably pull hair and slap each other pathetically

What if Peridot starts a gem civil war with the lower gem classes, and claw her way up like a communist dictator, that would be a great twist for me

Who's gonna pay for that broken pole?

Pretty much everybody on this forum think Peridot is good, but I think Peridot just working a massive scheme to beat Yellow Diamond out of ego

Now would be a good time for Steven to ask more questions about Homeworld Gems… no were not gonna ask basic questions about Homeworld Gems.

The only thing I saw her in was Miss Daisy, and I barely remember who she was in that anyway.

This would have been better if last episode had Peridot interact with human lives

Eh I don't think Peridot understand the importance of life, this is not that different to me than Starscream screwing over Megatron

No Rose is like Optimus Prime, both have a belief of the basic living rights of sentient life

No, when it involves the planet blowing up, it's the humans problem too

Humans have a thing call the Social contract, it's to ensure they don't murder and rob each other, that is what the police is for.

Every American small town have some kind of police, there's wasn't even people for emergencies, like a friggen giant robot hand.