
Well it's the Gem's fault, you think they would have some professional courtsey and responsibilties

The Crystal Gem doesn't seem to think it's important to inform the Earth government, or as I guessed there is no national government in Steven Universe, yet Steven mentioned a president?

I think more broadly, Peridot should just visit Beach City, aside from seeing Connie and Greg from a distance, why wasn't Connie a little curious about Peridot?

Than what did the Crystal Gems protect, pretty flowers?

They should have Peridot hang with humans instead of have her do redundant plot expostion

However from Monday episode, there were no humans, and mostly just plant life.

More pettiness than Talia, Bane, and the rest of League of Shadows in that Dark Knight movie

Homeworld Gems are bigger douchebags than Nazis.

I rather watch Peridot hang around in Beach City to understand the importance of "all sentient beings"

There seem to no history taught about the Gems to humans, though I think the Homeworld gems only met Native Americans, and wipe them out, I don't notice any Native Americans on this show

But as I can see with a complete lack of government enforcement
There are no police in Beach City, no national military, or even secret agent (aside Mayor Dweuy incompetent bodyguards)

If you mean either enslaving the humans or go "eh screw it up, just blow up the planet, we can use it's husk for a transportation hub"?

All this exposition could have been quicker at least, A few slightly more obvious incidental dialog.

Maybe CN executives are like "kids are too stupid to understand this show, explain the plot more obviously."

So why doesn't Steven know about a Moon base, or why doesn't other human know about the Gems. Do other humans go like "these are weird buildings lol"

The rest of the humans don't have the basic sense of curiousity. They don't even know who the Gems are, Kofi Pizza think the crystal gems are circus people.

I think White Diamond runs the Earth government in STeven Universe, and allows the Crystal Gems to screw around because it's part of that Diamond plans…

It would make sense to me that one of Diamonds along with other gems are safely observing the Crystal gems from a distance, and prevented the Eartg government to investigate, as some kind of masterplan, like the Crystal are gonna activate the cluster by accident

So we can assume there has been no NASA, since than the Moon base already would have been found by humans.