
Steven is not a dumb kid, but he doesn't question a lot or ponder on things. Most kids are curious they ask questions, or at least have basic congitive skills.

Blue Diamond Pearl has a see through skirt

Steven doesn't ask much questions doesn't he? I would have ask more complicated questions about gems, like how do they call each other within the same gem group, are they Marklars from South Park

So there are Pearl sex slaves?
Blue Diamond does look kinda rapey in a way

Christopher Nolan ruin movies for me, this is another Nolan knockoff where simple character motivations

I refuse to take Armond White seriously

Point Break is better Zero Dark Thirty, though I just don't procedural movies where people just do their jobs very boring

Unlike Bigelow dry dull Oscar Bait stuff, Point Break is a fun movie

John Waters?! Does he put the chipmunks up someone butt or something else weird and pervy?

No I'm talking the perspective of watching the first series, you said Ewoks as in plural, which were not the case in the first series, or were there important in the sequel series

I'm not talking about Korra

As much as we can think Airbender is better, I'm sure the writers were very much fans of Star Wars, particularly can be noticed for the season 2 finale

I said "considered" as in throughout the series Appa wnd Momo were considered the last of their species

You mean Momo or Appa, which were considered the last of their species during the seriee


This movie is like Poetry, it rhymes with episode 4

Our generation had Harry Potter, Airbender, and Tolkein movies.

I like the Phineas Ferb version where he died almost immediately when the Empire took over

Or maybe review that Kaufman movie, finally reviewing an animated movie, that would be a better surprise.

I'm waiting for a Cad Bane and Boba Fett movie