Gen. Hammond's Red Phone

It’s so damn selfish of people to want goods and services that they pay for! They should be grateful to freeze to death!

That’s a vast oversimplification given that we’re literally freezing to death. Most of us don’t have internet to complain about the insults- mine came back on today, and is spotty. It takes 4 hours in a grocery store lit by emergency lights to get cereal. Most of us are upset at Gov Abbott for cutting regulations to

It’s the natural consequence of the libertarian ethos taken to its logical extreme. In the end that’s all it is: You deserve only what you can take from others.

I can’t feel anything but heartbreak for the people experiencing the power outage. Being cold and in the dark is just about the most primal fear and discomfort a sentient being can experience. Many people are going to die of exposure, many more are going to die of CO poisoning.

Everything’s bigger in Texas, including our village idiots.

Not only that, but they treat it like a lease for certain plans. I had to sign a 12 month contract to ensure my price plan. But the other side of the contract says that THEY will PROVIDE POWER. Not me having to look for it if it goes out. I fucking hate living in TX sometimes. 

It’s a price you should be willing to pay for FREEDHUM!!!!

I’m in North Texas, and shit is real down here.

Anyone running for any elected office, AND anyone who is to be considered for appointment to an office by an elected official, should have to pass a basic civics exam. Once elected, they should have to obtain civics continuing education credits.

It’s been discussed ad infinitum everywhere else, but I feel like it’s worth mentioning that the reason that Texas is undergoing blackouts is because it has a separate electrical grid from the rest of the United States. Moreover, the reason it has a separate grid is because they didn’t want to follow Federal

What’s going on in this town - and this jackass’s attitude - is essentially a microcosm of America 2020. This is what happens when conservatives “govern”: you get a failed state. Everything works until it doesn’t.

He really said the quiet part out loud there didn’t he?

My money's on closing every store but Wal-Mart. He never promised quality...

And the folks who want the government to keep its hands of their medicare.

It’s the mindset that tries to characterize the Social Security system people pay into as a welfare scam, even though it’s cool your grandparents get a check every month.

Ironic using a “survival of the fittest” arguments when the state tries its best to make sure we teach alternatives to evolution.

all of these dimwits need to be replaced by progressives, preferably BIPOC folks.

A PUBLIC UTILITY that you have to PAY FOR is a “hand out” now... 🤔

This bitch was a mayor?
Paid with people’s tax money ?
a freakin civil servant?

I don’t know how many hundreds of times I’ve said this those past few years, but fuckin hell america, vote better.