Gen. Hammond's Red Phone

the deeper issue is how the Palestinians have been treated for years and years.

This article reads a little bit as though the author has never heard of the Dragons of Pern, for example.
To be honest, I haven’t re-read those books since I was in my very early 20s, but I suspect those enjoying this Fourth Wing should go read them, and, in the case of the author of this article, re-write this article

It’s absolute bullshit to act like nations should hold hands and sing kumbaya with people who recently attacked them.

Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas, not women and children living under Hamas by no fault of their own.

Annie Lennox is a fucking Queen, period. 

That’s not how activism works.

Thank you, Ms. Lennox. Just one more reason to admire you.

That’s still no excuse for adults to harass a 12 year-old on his personal profile. That’s just fucking pathetic and embarrassing and so much worse than a celebrity fundraising for a kid’s sports team.

But strokes absolutely can change your personality—- granted, we more often see that with older folks who suffer with strokes and dementia, but the fact that his marriage seems to be falling apart would indicate a pretty serious personality shift, too. Sometimes it is just what was inside all along coming out (like

*sigh* Dude’s going to pull a Sinema, isn’t he.

It’s entirely possible that he was always an opportunist scumbag who said what he needed to get elected even though it wasn’t even passingly authentic. . . but I can’t help but wonder if what we are seeing now is the result of a cognitive shift post-stroke. Like, I guess it’s possible that he was some evil mastermind

I’m sure it’s not her name, but I’m going with Aunt Lydia.

Can I ask how you made it over to a Nordic country?

Americans, as a culture, only care about their own children and not even that much for those kids. Harsh, maybe, but absolutely true when you compare our health care, education, and family policies with almost any other Western country.

According to her, they did discuss it and he did not want kids when they got together.    Everyone is entitled to change their minds, but she was not aware going in.

Small government for me, ever-intrusive spy state for thee!

“There is a need for a bold fighter to stand between the people and the ever-expanding government that is infringing on our God-given freedoms.”

Calling it now....Dusty has an IMPRESSIVE collection of porn somewhere.

depiction or description of sexual conduct

Israel is a country, not a religion. My country, the United States of America is supposed to believe that religion and country are seperate things. I resent that my taxes are being used to indiscriminately blow up little babies who are now starving because of Israel.