Gen. Hammond's Red Phone

It’s confounding to me that the Republican chicken-shit bullies are so obsessed with such a small and brutally discriminated against minority. People who just want to live their lives and are no harm to them.

How many blown up brown babies will slake your blood lust you vengeful degenerate?

This is insanely irresponsible. Our friends had crazy neighbors who decided to dig in the backyard without getting any county approval or engineers’ opinion or anything, and they broke into a gas line and set our friends’ house on fire via the kitchen...destroyed all their possessions and the whole house had to be

Hamas has committed terrible crimes.

Everything you said you could be replaced with “doctor”, “pilot”, “nuclear technician”, etc., etc. etc.

The biggest issue a lot of the “experts” seem to have with her is that she is not a formally educated “expert.”

This is insane, perhaps for obvious reasons, some of them listed in this article. Sink-holes, disposal, run-off/pollution (including asbestos), noise. I would not feel safe with this person as a neighbor, and I can definitely see how being an undocumented migrant would make me weary about speaking up.

Occam’s Razor. This seems like the simplest and best take.

In his defense, a lot of football players are pretty stupid.

I will cop to loathing Christmas music but at least this is the first season where I finally understood why. Now that I have a nephew and spend a lot of time with him, it became staggeringly obvious that all the crappy jingles are baby music.

What weird media diet could this bozo have had not to know who Simone was? I have never watched an Olympic event in my life and don’t follow Olympic coverage, but I’m still very familiar with her just as I am with other big name Olympians who became such BFDs that they became inescapable pop culture figures that

I would say it’s the exact opposite. I’ve experienced a fair amount of Christians who express pity that I don’t celebrate Christmas. Meanwhile, I’m just enjoyin’ my Chinese food. :) 

I feel like most partners who admire one another always say the *other* one is the catch. I mean maybe it’s just false modesty, but at least it’s polite.

I don’t know if they are “loudly” showing anything, but I do appreciate their willingness to at least engage with the concept that hey, maybe Palestinians are people too. Maybe Palestinian women are ALSO women! Maybe their mass killing and forced displacement is worthy of condemnation.

Exactly. As one of the first people on the old Jez boards to say out loud “both governments involved are bad, the only innocent people here are the civilians on both sides who are just trying to put food on the table” I got a fair amount of pushback in the rush to condemn one side OR the other.

It made me so, so angry to see Planned Parenthood’s original statement, so I’m SO glad to see the workers band together and LOUDLY show support for Palestine! And thank you to Jezebel for continuing to also loudly show solidarity with Palestinians.  PERMANENT. CEASFIRE. NOW.

When will we begin a discussion about a seriously frightening situation without making this a zero sum game? Wrong and right can be in all places

Who do we see about the babies that had to be left to die in the hospital? Still hooked up to breathing apparatus, bodies decaying?

There is no lie. The lies all come from what Israel puts out into the world - the lies they tell Jewish people (like me, as I grew up believing many of them before I became antizionist myself), the lies they tell themselves, their “citizens”, and any government who will listen.

Zionists want to argue that Israel exists

I love how free speech warriors, and cancel culture advocats all seem so quiet when it comes to Palestinians expresses themselves.