Gen. Hammond's Red Phone

As the world changed, she built an entire persona on this foundation; she dug ever more tenaciously to the conservative mores of her youth as she aged, waxing louder and louder about how much better it had all been, once upon a time.

Freedom of religion has always meant the right to control the lives of others to religionists. 

“Horizontal Christians.” Praying sideways instead of upwards.

OTHER people’s freedoms?????? NOT IN MERICUH

What’s so funny is that my aunt is a Lutheran minister and since she took her worship services virtual, the donations to the church are up.

There is no collection plate on Zoom.

Exactly. This was flexing their muscles and assuring the right they’re gonna outlaw abortion.

This has me mad like a freshly stomped hornet’s nest.

Since they’re now almost completely outside the law, it’s definitely time to remove any and all tax breaks. 

There’s nothing in the bible about having to gather in large groups!!!

Plus like the Constitution is another tablet of commandments. And that every individual’s rights are absolute with no regard for the rights of the person next to you who might not agree or be negatively impacted by your exercise. Rights and responsibilities are connected no matter how inconvenient that is for

These institutions need their donations coming in. 

Seriously. What good are any of our state and local laws if the fucking god squad can smash it all with their little book of ancient myths? 

This made me so mad. It was ruled in the guise of “freedom of religion.” I thought freedom of religion meant that you couldn’t be persecuted, jailed, or shot for practicing your religion, not that you had to gather in 100's in one room during a pandemic so you could infect 1000's of others. What about other people’s

So does this decision mean that a governing body has no say in a public health crisis? How about hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks? Is this SCOTUS codifying the Bannon philosophy of “Burn it all down!”? Why not just have The Purge all day, every day?

Or, “I knew this was wrong and would bring about a lot of discussion and condemnation, and here I am, now with a larger audience.”  Too cynical?

If you’d told me this was a “Parks and Rec” joke, I’d have believed you.

But if men don’t tell women’s stories, how will we ever learn about the female experience?

That was ridiculously careless, and frankly, racist — it’s blackface, it’s violent, and it’s insulting. I apologize. I knew all of this at the time I recorded the essay, but I was only thinking about the paycheck and hoped I would never get called out for it. Now that I have been called out, I apologize if you were

We decry the state of politics today, but if you go back in time, a lot of what’s going on today went on before in some fashion. The universal split between parties we see today is more pronounced, but congress critters have been doing mean/vicious/outrageous things forever functionally.