They look nothing like nerds, and honestly saying that they look like nerds, is an insult to us actual Nerds.
They look nothing like nerds, and honestly saying that they look like nerds, is an insult to us actual Nerds.
‘’’’’’Ah, the smell of cowardice. Even after he’s clearly lost the election and ostensibly has more limited power over their careers, the people around Trump are still unwilling to stand up to him—instead, choosing to feed his ego just a little bit more.
I’m in the same boat. Would LOVE to have my comment shoved in my face when Biden is sworn in.
Thanks, these are worrying times. Have been for a good 5 years now.
I’ve been eating this comment all evening, but decided to post it, cause hey, so what if I look like a fool? So, so happy to be wrong here and called out later for overreacting.
Had to turn off the pundits today because once again, Trump is apparently Presidential. Despite the hell he’s put us through, panelists are discussing his chances in 2024. Trump is right about the media destroying America. He’s been impeached. Him and his family are facing countless lawsuits and legal issues. They’re…
This is like the WORST script treatment for fucking Inception I ever read....only its real.
In jail.
!!! We have pretty much given up on 2020. But Patti LaBelle’s son being a misogynist and a self hating gay black man is a bridge too damn far.
“What Trump built in 4 years, Biden will destroy in 4 months.”
Four. Thousand. Lawsuits. Preaching to the choir, but how could anyone ever trust this man? Who would sign a contract with this person or lend him money?
Sadly, I tend to agree with you. But in the meantime, LET ME HAVE MY DREAMS!!!!
I can imagine him heading to some Arab country for supposed diplomacy reasons before Inauguration Day and simply not returning.
He is so stupid that he’s musing to reporters (or staff aides who talk to reporters) about leaving the country. Homie, your security clearance means you can’t leave the country for a WHILE after you leave office. You are stuck here. Go find a bolt hole with the doomsday preppers in Oregon or something if you’re so…
If the phrase “Teflon Don” hadn’t already been used for someone else, it certainly would apply here. I’m afraid he’ll find some way to skate as always. Melania is making plans though, I’m sure.
Oh my GOD. I haven’t seen the movie. I was imagining him standing up or something, not this. He was LYING DOWN while he “tucked in his shirt”?
Kiddo on Saturday, ”Since Joe Biden is going to fix Covid, do I FINALLY get to go to school on Monday? I’ve been here since March, and you guys are not as good at school as my teachers. No offense.“
A center left President without legislative power is going to wind up looking like FDR because by dint of doing even super basic shit he’s going to make things demonstrably better.
“The Carpathia can be here in four hours.”