Gen. Hammond's Red Phone

She could have stayed the fuck in her car and driven away instead of pulling a gun. Just like that Rambo wanna be could have stayed the fuck in his palace in Missouri.

“You cannot just walk around calling white people racist

Dirty Mary was just looking for an excuse to pull her piece.

Saw this video earlier. Some people believe she’s either a cop, ex cop, armed security guard, or took some weapons training because of the way she held that weapon. Maybe the reason she was let go?

I was gonna say, is no one mentioning the guy in the fake beard in the background?!

Why does she have to explain it though? And that goes for anyone, not just Ellie Kemper. You don’t owe anyone any kind of explanation for the circumstances of your life. That doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be aware of their privilege but awareness doesn’t mean you’re accountable to anyone and everyone. 

This is a good example of cultural appropriation: a social debut ball for rich white people which, for added fun, dresses itself up with pageantry that evokes “the exotic orient, in this case by reference to the “veiled prophet” (I don’t know the Irish poet they refer to in the article, but to me it seems an obvious

If they need security, i know a couple folks

I’m a little dizzy from all the cultural appropriation going on in those photos, so that’s surely part of it as well. 

What fresh white hell is this?

This is some seriously sadistic shit. Taking pleasure in anyone's pain is beyond forgivable. That these are the people who are to protect others just puts the lie to the entire system. 

I’m way beyond the point of expecting people not to do racist ass shit but I continue to be astounded by how many people are documenting the racist ass shit they are doing and then showing it to people. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

Fishing for warrants. Hence the ask for IDs.

They are disposable, true, but then they don’t work. Have you been to a hotel pool where the hotel key card entry? You can’t get in without key entry from the outside/inside. That key won’t work if it has been “disposed” of, and those keys expire once the guests’ stay has ended whether they have checked out officially

Because their true goal was to humiliate and subjugate her in front of her children. 

I think her point was that there was a white couple at the pool who weren’t questioned. And, if they were, I’m sure them just showing their card would’ve been enough for Karen.

It’s like none of those dumbasses keep up with current events. /s

You could just shorten that and simply say: they believe rights are for whites.

Absolutely, Kelly! We can’t have mob rule! We need to stop armed mobs from trying to storm state houses and threatening governors!

Not surprising: the (lack of) response from the gun community to the murder of Philando Castile, a card-carrying member of the NRA (who was shot because he informed a cop that he was carrying [legally] and the cop freaked out and shot him) tells the whole story.