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    Fuck. That was beautiful. The Doctor didn't just stop a war from happening, he also managed to get an enemy to join his side. This is one of the most triumphant victories the Doctor has ever had.

    "I have the hots for Aunt May" is not a sentence I ever thought I would write in this lifetime.

    Wait, so you flash your penis, say incest-based insults, have a nice relaxing holiday at Croatia, and get paid 900+ bucks?

    Aw man, say it ain't so.

    Really enjoying the new focus on Donna and Cameron. I don't believe that over a hundred people would spend $5 an hour for online gaming back in the 80's though.

    I love you, Internet.

    "Lady Stoneheart Truther Watch: Nothing to report."

    Totally forgot about that one!

    So somebody on Reddit pointed out that the finale felt like an homage to The Empire Strikes Back.

    Seriously… fish oil? That's your Terrigen Bomb? FISH OIL?!

    Mark Ruffalo is classy as fuck.

    Man, I really miss old, funny, Felicity. That Surface-frisbee scene reminded me of how hilarious she used to be.

    I really want the season to end with the Terrigen Bomb, but I doubt Marvel would allow a game-changing event happen on TV.

    Now the Third Man Records Twitter is retweeting Jack White + Tim Burton tweets.

    I don't care. My humor is so terrible I still think it's funny.

    Preach. This was the only episode where I wasn't irritated at Iris. And her character grew so much this episode.

    I was so fucking scared that Joe was gonna die. Don't ever do that to us again, Flash!

    What a damaged bunch of characters.


    I was wondering where Big Head went. Glad to see him back!