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    After the episode ended, I just sat there and went "This. Fucking. Show."

    I kinda agree with the points raised here, but man, a C+? Ouch.

    Jesus Fucking Christ just look at that thing.

    I'm rather disappointed that Harrison Wells was the B-plot in an episode with his name, but man, this set up was fantastic. I hope it finally picks up next week.

    You can't just link to TVTropes without warning! It was nice meeting you all.

    If somebody told me a year ago that I'd give a shit about these characters, Fitz especially, I would've laughed in your face. Now I am hooked. Pity that this show isn't getting more attention it deserves thanks to the lackluster first half-season.

    Monica, Peter Gregory is dead and I can't believe how much I missed Silicon Valley.

    Kingpin was like a child throwing a tantrum. It was glorious.


    Foggy's my favorite character in this series. He's the heart of the show, and a kickass lawyer on his own.

    I really wasn't a fan of the Kingpin portrayal during the early episodes, but I realized that this is Wilson Fisk still not fully formed as the Kingpin, like how Matt is as Daredevil.


    I was really rooting for Doug this season, then the finale happened and I remembered why I hate his creepy face. That shit was intense.

    It was fun. It felt like an old Community episode for some reason even though half the original cast is gone.

    That candlelit Lazarus Jacuzzi. I half-expected Ra's to play some Barry White.