
Just let us f-ing work from home already.

But they can start putting all the money toward the California park, or even a new one, and let the Florida parks just... exist. Hardcore fans freak out if they see dirt on a ride, but if Disney can just shrug and say “talk to your elected representative about it” and reiterate that the Republicans are why Disney has

Eat the freaking rich. How these empty figureheads can stand there with their massive income and inform the people who actually build things for the company that they deserve LESS this year (because not getting an 8% increase for inflation is causing them to have less income) is disgusting.

I had a mom and two older sisters available, and wasn’t in an overly Christian household, and was extremely well-read even as a little kid. I think I read “Are You There, God? It’s me, Margaret” probably at 8 or so? But as for most kids, the parts that I only vaguely understood I glossed over. But because my mom

Plus, PPD isn’t just general depression — it can get EXTREME. My older sister tried desperately to give her second baby to me. She tried to convince me using a long, curated list she’d though through about how much better it would be, how much her other son would suffer with this new baby around, all sorts of

Classic message, disregard your physical suffering and exhaustion every single second because you don’t matter, only the baby!

I learned about unwanted “cervical checks” that don’t really give doctors much useful information but are still pushed on laboring patients, which, to anybody who has experienced medical or sexual trauma, can add to the fear and pain of an already frightening and painful process.

I’m not the one telling people they shouldn’t waste their time judging responses on the internet.  I do it all the time! For fun! And unlike you I’m not a hypocrite about it.  

You can’t even share your honest thoughts without some rando on the internet judging each and every word and then using them to shit all over you.

Planning to redo my kitchen counters this year if I can avoid the tech industry purge. What’s the best type of countertop to buy that’s high quality but low maintenance -- or is there not one? I used to love my Corian because I don’t really like the marble look, and it was easy to maintain if you were reasonably

It’s a problem, though, that this can work against you, too. Because if you move to a new job then YOU are the new person, so if that new company does layoffs then you’re more at risk.

And he ran away, so he knows what he did was WRONG, so he can’t justify it as artistic interaction or some kind of nonsense. He ran so he wouldn’t get in trouble... and he’s apparently right since his workplace isn’t holding him accountable to a reasonable degree. 

They have some pretty complex age controls for profiles, though, so they could control access by ratings or age.  

Amazon Prime completely screwed up their interface, too. You can’t find anything. Why is it so hard to just see the latest movies I can rent or buy?

Permits are the WORST. You’re totally right, though, that what you don’t know when it comes to permits absolutely can hurt you.  There’s no one as petty as someone who works in local government. :) 

I’d disagree — every broker works for themselves, always. Whether you’re selling or buying, do NOT think the broker has your best interests at heart. They want to get you into or out of your home with as little time and effort as possible, and while an extra $1k means a lot to you, it means next to nothing to them. 

Don’t trust the home inspector your realtor suggests if they’re also the selling realtor. The inspector’s relationship with the realtor is a lot more valuable to them than the paltry couple hundred you’re shelling out.

Here’s one!  Goes by

Have you ever been to a Disney park? I assure you, the gays pay quite a lot. And the straights are happy to pay, too, and would be even happier if the racists and bigots stopped going. Unfortunately, they all talk a big game, but right after they’re done picketing they head right into the park to get their Dole Whip

I was once waiting for the elevator at a high end NYC hotel when a housekeeping manager (by her name tag and pantsuit/lack of uniform) saw me and asked what room I’d been staying in, and if I was checking out. Then I saw her go into the room I’d just left (which was right across from the elevator) and come out