
Not easily finding content you already know about is actually a part of the goal — they don’t want it to be easy for you to get to the content you’re already watching. The whole point of this revenue-or-die streaming model they’ve all evolved into in their death throes requires them to keep you hunting on the site

Got a new Rav4 after a decade and a half with my Mariner, and I’m appalled at the removal of radio buttons, with the only way to change the radio actually buried within several clicks. It took me 23 seconds to have to have my eyes off the road to change the radio station. I get it, they want us to have to pay extra

From a personal perspective, it was one of the things I noticed immediately — the impulse issues I had with other things beyond eating also became easier to deal with. Eating is never just a desire for more food, it’s usually an emotional need in some way, for comfort or stress relief, the same as excessive drinking

I wonder if part of it is that they got an immediate boost from new subscribers from the password crackdown, but the long term trend shows all those same subscribers (now two households, my mom and mine after the password issue) will now only temporarily subscribe to watch particular content, then will unsubscribe for

Nothing’s preaching to you.  Just because you see POC and women in a movie and it makes you uncontrollably angry at the same time as making you feel funny things in your private parts doesn’t mean a movie is preaching to you.  Maybe you’re just a bigot who’s scared of seeing people who don’t look exactly like you. 

I’d even go one step further and say he’s a textbook sociopath.  There’s a book called something like “The Sociopath Next Door” that really showcases how common they are, and how much damage they can do.

Yes, exactly! If you watch him, he doesn’t actually enjoy anything Disney. He’s never been to the park except as a perfectly curated experience where his handlers make sure he’s seeing things the way they want him to see them along his 60 second walking path before he goes back indoors so the sun doesn’t mess with his

Seven months of layoffs, where their employees went in every day not knowing if they’d have a job the next day. For seven months. Unlike more humane companies that announce layoffs and then do them the next day -- they don’t wait seven months without providing any information. I know a lot of engineers in the company

But if the offices are replaced by homes where people are WFH, then those people would be picking up lunch locally, which would replace purchases of people who no longer have to commute in. The problem during Covid was that there were blocks of empty offices that weren’t being used for something more worthwhile like

Iger returned from the freaking dead to pick more flesh from the corpse of Disney to try to boost the stock price for him and his buddies to sell high. Now he’s gone over the edge and is tearing the company apart, happy to sell the pieces off in a fire sale as long as he gets his and can afford that new yacht.

Problem is, as soon as he realizes the entire country outside of Florida has rejected him, he’s set it up so he didn’t have to take any actual RISKS like giving up his existing job as Governor. Which means he’ll just withdraw to Florida and do even more to turn it into a petty hellscape as he licks his wounds and

In addition, residuals don’t just come from someone watching the content. Anywhere the content is marketed — in search listings, on a page describing the details — would also require payment of residuals based solely on the display of the actors in the poster/graphics. So streaming services have to pay actors

Right, the excuse that working together is helpful for people early in their careers is nonsense. What helps people early in their careers? Being able to compete for key roles without having to afford living in a HCOL location. Being able to perform a role without spending a hundred or more on just commuting and

This, exactly.  We had executives who had personal offices and external meeting seating that couldn’t be used by the “regular” employees even when those execs weren’t in the office -- and since they lived on the opposite coast of the country, they weren’t in the office more than 10 days out of the entire year.  But

Exactly! My current CEO is on the board of at least 5 different companies, and getting paid handsomely for it. This is how those CEOs enrich themselves, by bringing their buddies onto boards of other companies and organizations like the ballet. They get paid a high level engineer’s annual salary to show up to a two

Yes! I have this in the bottom panel of the windows in my bathrooms. It’s much higher quality than back in the 70s. If you cut it perfectly, it will look like it’s made to be there. And it keeps people using the bathroom from having to stare into the neighboring house or yard and worry about peepers lol.

That’s a problem with the managers, not the employees.  If a manager can’t tell by the employee’s capacity and velocity if they’re working or not, neither of them need to be employed.  Having a crappy company culture where there’s no accountability isn’t a good reason to deny an entire generation more freedom and to

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

This guy has no idea what real “work” is.  He think strolling around and yelling at underlings is work, like most CEOs, so he can’t comprehend how he’s useful if he doesn’t have people in the office to boss around.  Hot tip: Most CEOs are a waste of money.  

No.  No, you should not ever have a job where another adult YELLS at you about work.  Unless you are putting someone’s life at risk, no grown adult should ever YELL in the workplace.  Like, oh, a report is late, and someone’s going to yell about it?  They need to get some freaking therapy and be removed from the