
LOLOLOLOL it’s so weird. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

And at the front of that smile is a full set of veneers.

By all reports, he’s extremely physically violent and has physically attacked several church members. It’s actually very possible that he attacked her in a rage and killed her.

That’s very true, one person’s suffering is another’s opportunity. :) It all depends on so many factors, too... a house on the coast would appreciate much more reliably than a house in the midwest, for example.  I don’t know, I guess I just can see why some people would feel buying a house is more risk and work than

It was the 80s.  We all wore ugly shit.  It was a difficult time.

Taylor Lautner was 16 when he filmed Twilight, and women did the same disgusting things to him.  Women in their 40s were asking him to autograph their breasts and wanting to kiss him.  It’s disgusting how much grown adults can’t treat acting children like children. 

Exactly! 2008 can bite my butt. It hit especially hard where I lived. But I can honestly say that I also would never have been able to afford a house in the first place if it wasn’t for those insane mortgage rates to start with, and the 0 money down loans. So I guess it worked out in the long run.

Instead I was replacing furnaces and roofs and maintaining the lawn, so I wasn’t saving that money, I was putting it into the house and didn’t get it back.  So while renting would have meant money was just gone, MY money wouldn’t have gone to maintaining the building, either, so I’d have saved. 

Bought a house in 2002. Sold it in 2018. It had increased in value about $20k from my original purchase price, which basically vanished due to moving costs.

Actually lots of people do, constantly. 

He obviously wasn’t afraid to leave his house when it was dark out. Obviously... since he left his house to commit murder as though it was as NBD as grabbing takeout.

Exactly.. the man was in his house, SAFE in his HOUSE, in the middle of the night. He decided to Rambo himself out of the house and start firing into the darkness.

No, perception doesn’t count in an act of murder.  

So there was a perception of threat... so much so that this man had to LEAVE HIS HOUSE and GO OUTSIDE, leaving safety, to go fire a gun at a child who wasn’t anywhere near him.  So the man invented a threat in his mind, a threat that didn’t exist, in order to justify murdering a child.  

Except... the kid wasn’t shooting and killing anyone. So if that man was IMAGINING that the kid MIGHT shoot and kill someone, then he’s just insane and should be put in an asylum and separated from normal civilized society because he doesn’t understand the line between make believe and reality.

So stealing is a crime punishable by death?  I’ll keep that in mind for all the well-dressed white women I see stealing from Sephora’s every time I’m in there.  Death seems an extreme punishment for stealing a lipliner, but you make the rules!

I was thinking it’s more along the lines of, I want to know what psychopathic child murdering bastard lives near me so I can keep my children far away from him until he’s put in jail.  

Exactly. CEOs don’t get paid big bucks because they have any actual creative solutions for problems. They get paid big bucks... because um reasons.  But they all go through the same rotation of solutions, and it always starts off with cutting benefits and laying off people, and ends with them riding off into the

To be fair (to whom? I have no idea), meat and vegetables are so processed and so far away from what they SHOULD taste like that they practically have no flavor anymore once they hit the average American table.  So flavor has to be added externally.  Even the best steak will be lacking flavor if you get it from the

PF Chang’s somehow manages to always arrive as a chilly, congealed mess, even if you’re just ordering Mongolian beef, even though they’re less than three miles away from me. I really don’t know how they do it.  It’s its own kind of skill, I guess.