
I call her Hermione Clinton in my head now, because you just know that even though she could beat Trump without studying a goddamn bit, she still studies because she wants to be the best she can possibly be.

It’s easy to imagine Hillary Clinton wiling the evening away with some close friends, laughing over champagne over all of this mishegoss.

Will Eddie Murphy still be Mushu

Lol shit like this always cracks me up. Disney is hardly a progressive or liberal icon.

Never forget.

Get rid of fraternities. Period.

“I had the blessing of raising her pretty much on my own,” Ms. Maples said.

your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.

Cue the “not guns, it’s mental illness” comments. I am so fucking angry.

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?

the longest stocking cap

I love this because I imagine that he was just tossing and turning in bed seething about this and then finally leaped up, cast aside his absurdly long stocking cap, and tweeted this out before collapsing back into bed.

my worst Miss U.

Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?

- Tim Burton, basically.