
I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”

Exactly! I ended it by saying, “That’s great you only think of yourself, guess you have nothing to lose. You might be upset when they cut down the woods you’re hiding in and you have nowhere else to bury your head in the sand”

Best meme I’ve seen in a long time:

Translation: I don’t give a shit about this country so I will sit on my ass and stay home instead, but I will tell everybody I can’t vote for evil so I sound like a concerned citizen.

I had all the rage this morning debating with some dumb hippie who said they’re not voting because a vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil. I did all the explaining you’d expect but he just came back with (I swear to god) “Nah I live in the woods I’ll be good, lol”

So let’s ruminate over the fact that, if we had just gotten our shit together, if the country was even marginally less racist and sexist and if the climate of American politics was even slightly less idiotic, we might have gotten a President Michelle Obama.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

Well, yeah, Hillary does in fact come across as my bitchy mother. That’s *why* I like her here. Because what men read as “bitchy” with her comes across to me as “an actual grownup who knows how to get shit done and doesn’t mess with petty personal bullshit when it’s time to get to work.”

It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.

I also laughed with glee at the ‘lack of stamina’ accusation. She looked like she could have gone 10 more rounds without getting winded.

Man, her face when he accused her of not having the temperament for the presidency. It was a work of art.

This is by far one of the most minor examples of Clinton’s dominating Trump, but I like to think her “Between Two Ferns” reference to his “red power tie” led to his stylists’ choosing blue tonight.

What you don’t see can’t hurt you?

It’s interesting you should mention “trigger warnings”. As we near the election, I find more and more conservatives getting uncomfortable with jokes at their candidates’ expense, frank conversations about policy, and the acknowledgement that certain types of people exist.

Your assumption is that all Trump supporters are like you. But if every Trump supporter was in the same demographic as you, Trump’s supporters would only make up 10% of the vote, tops. Some Trump supporters are women, some have daughters and wives, some are probably just like you and don’t concern themselves with

“We will take our country back from those who seek to weaken it. Those who...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.”

OK Bro. About that quadruple bankrupt businessman’s economic “plans”...economists universally hate them.

“We are coming”
