
It’s got a cop motor, a 130 kilowatt plant, it’s got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks...

No, there’s almost certainly something fishy with this one. Decent Toyobarus still hover around $15k.

It’s amazing that they watched Ford roll out the Bronco, which appears to be a wonderful homage to the original, and then still decided to forge ahead with this abomination. They gave little teases as to indicate that we were all really in for a pleasant surprise. There is nothing pleasant about the design of this

100,000 dollars for this?! HahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaaahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaFord Expeditionhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahah

Need and want are different things

If they can keep the price in the mid to upper 30s I’d think 350-400hp would be more than adequate if the weight wasn’t allowed to balloon. But then how much power does one really need in a sedan? IMHO it needs enough power to merge with traffic easily; any more than that honestly is excess. The horsepower wars are

With the success of the RWD Dodge cars, why don’t more people follow suit? I don’t think the sedan is dead, I think manufacturers make the wrong sedans.

Ford got away with it with the Mach E, so I’m really not that surprised Nissan is also expanding their “Z” into a separate segment.

Hyundai’s exposing the raw truth that its owners don’t wash their hair as often as they should. Dirty cheap hippies.

Ditto. I used have one as well. I drove it through 3 winters. Maybe I’m just used to driving in snow but realistically all you need are winter tires.

Well the partner can buy their own car >__<

Hot take: Don’t.

It’s not quite “I know what I got” but close enough. I also thought “California car” implied a bit less ferrous oxide than we see here.

“need to be towed.” Enhance!

I have no idea why anyone would even buy a used Tacoma. Just buy a new one. They literally don’t depreciate. Put down a modest downpayment and you’ll never be underwater.

The livery on James Hunt’s F1 car persuaded me to try sex.

Only once has a sponsorship influenced my behavior, but it likely wasn’t the effect they had in mind.

Mutants gonna mutant.

. . . one guy held the prestigious job of “get arrested pretending to be the director.”