Hondas are vegetarians
Hondas are vegetarians
I’d Ford through her transit... or... something. I don’t think I’m doing this right...
In case anyone was wondering about the Spanish being spoken, he’s saying:
Player 2 has entered the game
+69 James Hunt
eat your oatmeal like a dignified person
That’s a mild headline around here, plenty of f-bombs when needed in the title. Been that way for a loooong time. Maybe change the name to Clean Harry?
Pitted, so pitted.
They are either passed out or dead depending on your perception of the people in the picture.
Schrodinger’s Drunks
Both of their elbows look not natural. And they might be the saddest looking pair in the whole, actually frowny-face sad, not sitting in your own urine sad. That combined with the total lack of seagulls or trash... I wonder if this isn’t from some other event and got lumped in by virtue of green space in…
I see your seagull pose, and raise you one trash can hump... Blue dress was DILIGAF to the max.
Autoblog. Completely inoffensive, rather reliable for the most part, and generally unexciting.
28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.
In a world of stock 290-345hp 4dr AWD 6MT hatchbacks, everybody wins!
She might need a car but looks like she already knows how to drive stick.
Also needs to pick up his damn feet while walking