Maybe don’t ride 2 mph in the middle of the road, up a hill, on a windy road full of blind curves with no bike lane, and a speed limit of 40 mph.
where’s the tits? I come here for the tits.
Umm, I’m pretty sure that has an inline 6 in it there, pal.
Like you mentioned, my crash didn’t involve injuries or a busted bike. Just a busted ego and some lessons learned.
that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.
Hey troll, feel free to fuck off.
Whoops, sorry. You got lost on the internet and stumbled into a car enthusiast website. The site you were looking for is thataway.
You’re fun at parties, aren’t you?
I’d go find a gif that shows someone missing the point, but I’ve got better things to do.
Yeah, but what’s its ‘Ring time?
That’s like trying to find a hooker that promises she’s a virgin.
You sure do live up to your name...
They were out of Voss.
I’m sorry, you must be confusing Maryland with Florida. I mean New Jersey. I mean New York. I mean Virginia. No wait Georgia. Actually-