
Anyone know if there is a way in chrome to disable caching? I'd prefer to have it all in memory seeing how I have 24 gigs and don't want to use my SSD unless its necessary.

This is why I enjoyed the new Star Trek movie. Vulcan's planet was destroyed rather quickly and there wasn't anything they could do about it, even being as smart as they were they simply did not have the technology to overcome a black hole in the center of their planet.

Is there any way to uninstall and install applications this way?

@Userfriendly: Yeah its not quite up to snuff but it does work.

@OfficerMike: True that Mike. Luckily I don't have to print often as I'm a digital junky these days but I noticed this the other day.

Another good tip if you use the same password for everything and want a bit of extra security is to attach the site's name or something similar to the password. It makes the password longer, and if you use the 1337 text as mentioned above, it's even more awesome.

Turn all the windows in your house into screens? I'm still processing this and what it might do. Maybe a glass table that functions like a computer screen.

Cool, now for a performance comparison.

@geowrian: Yeah for sure. The fusio-io drive is great if you can afford it. The consumer version still doesn't boot windows yet, even though they said they plan on releasing an update to make it so.

I'm curious to what this guys energy bill looks like.

@eien: You can screen capture by just hitting the print screen to get a sceren shot, but I assume you are referring to screencasting. Most screencasting is done by software. Camtasia Studio or iMovie is just a couple of the examples of big names out there.

@thepcguy: I'm 22 years younger than you but I feel similar to you. I've witnessed the destruction of privacy and the middle class slowly with time. The bankers are milking America for everything she has and it's only a matter of time until it becomes unsustainable. I usually hail technology because of how exceedingly

Anyone else using L3? through seem to be fast for me personally and I've used them over others.

I'm guessing that "leading SSD" is Intel? Crappy 80mb write? lol. Nice work Micron. Glad to see you jumping in on the bandwagon. I knew I was meant to wait out this year and wait for better alternatives.

I recently have been getting to huge photoshop files and video files. 8GB of ram is not enough. I've been thinking about upgrading to 16GB but 12GB would probably do for my needs. Either way, 4GB is probably good for most people.

I'm waiting for the Onion News article: "Google sells out to the US government, yes you read that right!"

I'd love to watch some 1080p videos but damn, when is broadband going to catch up? #youtube

Syncplicity is awesome too. I'm sure some have already mentioned it in the comments. #onlinebackup

Decent sleep, a ton of water, a few oranges, and Airborne does the trick for me. More effective if used as a preventative measure. A shower and a massage help too if the muscles are achy. #cold