
I think the real question is how many people actually budget or care to budget? Most people I know are have more debt than savings and they don't care. A little bit of a research will reveal similar things.

I remember blue screens back in the day with XP. After I went to Vista and SP1 dropped I've had only 2 crashes within 3 years. 1 was Nvidia drivers and the other was because I overclocked a bit to high.

Vote: FileHippo because I haven't found a better software alternative yet. #hivefive

If Google would get into the wireless business then Sprint would work as they allow you to call any cell phone provider for free. #googlevoice

Assuming no radiation is fuming inside there, he's going to be one of the select few living that nuclear attack from North Korea or China in the future.

Gimmie Gimmie. I feel like a damn dog when I see this. It's got so much functionality and simplicity for a web designer.


@Phoshi: Yeah they need either spaces, compiz, or something along those lines. Not everyone can afford 20 monitors. I miss compiz.

@Gergely Kosztolányi: For sure. Something that you can actually use your keyboard in too. I use 3rd party apps because they are easier and more efficient.

Do any of you know winterboard skin that is? I wanna snag it.

I do this with Sxipper and Foxmarks. You could probably use Mozilla Weave and some other program as well. I don't think I've typed a password in ages.

AT&T is becoming a giant again. Doing the same mistakes they did last time they were a monopoly. I know monopoly companies are out there but we don't see them as that these days. Either way Apple is starting to get on my nerves. I'd rather them keep the iphone at $500/$600 and people would have the freedom to choose

@JonBarr: OneNote is the bomb. I use it for college and it's sweet in every aspect in that regard. It would be nice if an app dropped on the iphone to utilize it because that's really the only thing I like that Evernote has. Besides that though I do everything in OneNote. Write up my Business Plans in there and keep

I've enjoyed boxee so far and maybe there are better alteratives. But one thing you people are forgetting is it's an ALPHA addition. A lot can change and it may be buggy and not function flawlessly. I'd die for some windows media center tv tuner support myself but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. Either way

The speed of chrome has become addicting. I still prefer Firefox when it comes to web developing and the majority of other excellent plugins. I just don't want to see my little fox go. I only use chrome if I need to load up 20+ tabs so I don't fear of a crash like I do with Firefox.

@abhiroop: Although I agree with what your say somewhat it still shouldn't of been banned. I'm with Lifehacker in that they should of just banned access to safari and all browser and google. You still need to use these to find torrent sites to download actual torrent files. The fact that they've already approved one

Looks neat so far. It is snappy and fast. It has P2P abilities so I'm guessing thats part of the whole "cloud" computing concept. It doesn't boast itself as a cloud solution though. I may tempted to use this full time. I could have my family members sync up to me and view any new photos, blogs, pictures, music,

It's weird to see these types of things get bashed. Although they do have their downsides with privacy or whatever issues I honestly think these types of things will eventually surpass the performance of your single PC platform. Companies will have more processing power then a single PC can handle and once the UI is

I'm testing it. I can't tell if I like it over Pidgin/Digsby to be honest. It does seem to work better with file transfers then both of those. It seemed smaller then Digsby too. I think the interface is okay. I'd rather set it to a minimalistic look, which is an available option to do. It's got a lot of different