
People who own yachts did not achieve success honestly.

That sentence you quoted didn’t strike me as sour or jealous at all. It is you who is reading way too much into this.

Also, this yacht has insurance.

It’s unfair to pick apart a prototype for its specific issue related to non-serial build quality.  General issues and serial build quality will be enough to pick it apart when its time.  

“Financial gain” is used pretty loosely here when you consider the cost that these protests have had.... don’t think anyone is turning a profit here...

When those vehicles are being used to disrupt traffic and block supply lines, seize away.

They made their private property public, so fuck ‘em.

I think the punishment fits the crime.

Good. Fuck them.

These guys do incredible work.

Why isn’t it an EV.

It has a prescribed route with a predictable repeatable range.

It is operated at low speeds and makes frequent stops.

Not defending the choice of these turds in any way but consider that these trucks are basically doing stop and go every 60-80 ft in an urban neighborhood and I can completely understand how the mileage is going to be complete crap. I expect that if you did this drive cycle in a Honda Fit you would get crap mileage as

Most 911s are driven on the daily summer commute of affluent middle-aged businessmen. More suspension travel and sidewall is probably a good thing in those conditions.

EV’s are fine for cars. Guess what you don’t find on trails, charging stations. Guess what degrades significantly in cold weather? Batteries. Guess what lives it service life in cold climates? Snowmobiles.

You don’t think people refer to the “Tesla store” as a dealer?

You’re assuming that the car enthusiasts aren’t patronizing the shops there, which is a weird assumption since the whole thing started as people meeting up with their cool cars to drink coffee and get breakfast.

Counterpoint: it doesn’t

Too bad he isn’t a Republican, he’d be a presidential candidate next cycle! Maybe he can go team up with Matt Gaetz who continues to stay in the limelight despite being under investigation for sex trafficking a minor.

Drunk driving is bad, sure, and it’s also been demonized to the point of parody.

Oh my god, shut up.