
You know what else is exxagerated about Canoo?   THEIR CAB FORWARD DESIGN.   The interior is set back like a normal truck, the EXTERIOR looks cab forward/forward control, but it isn’t, which results in worse visibility with no actual increase in usable space.   Their primary design element is misleading and fake. 

Shit like this is why nobody takes you seriously.

There is a huge difference between buzzed and drunk.  Just sayin’.  

This isn’t wrenching.   This is being a non car person driving an appliance who does not give a shit.  How do you have a job here?


Honestly, no care either way.  Forza got better than GT back with Forza 3, and GT has fallen behind ever since.   Polyphony Digital sucks.   I really wish Forza was sold on playstation.

Look up machinist’s handbook penetrant test. PB blaster doesn’t do very well, they set up tests and used torque wrenches.


#1: ATF/Acetone homebrew
#2: Kroil
#3: Liquid Wrench

PB Blaster and WD40 are kind of crap.

Short term thinking to inflate profits to increase price of shares for wallstreet investors.   If they didn’t care and were actually focused on long term change, they would be much further ahead.

This is the best thing to look forward to in 2020.   I’m absolutely positive Erik Shilling hasn’t done anything this cool.

Autopilot disengaged for FORTY SECONDS.  This is entirely a dumbass driver and has nothing to do with Tesla’s autonomous capabilities if AP was off for almost an entire minute.

Tank.  Always tank.

For the size of the vehicle, it is HUGE inside. It drives nice (it’s a neon), gets good mpg, and it’s cheap.

If they had updated the styling and offered the 2.4T earlier, it would probably still be around.

Lightbars RARELY have the optics to punch light very far; they’re great for low speed crawling/floods, but they suck as high beams, so....   yeah, that light bar is stupid AF.

This is the dumbest light bar placement I have ever seen.  Everything in front of you would be in shadow.  :|