
It’s unfortunate Jim Starlin endorses Thanos’s in-movie justification rather than criticizing it and its premise.

The Kearse of Bobby Layne strikes again

At the time of the Betsy Ross flag, at least 11 of the 13 colonies were slaver colonies. Vermont is the first to abolish slavery and enfranchise people in 1777,

Not all of them were slaver societies, like South Carolina or Virginia, but owning human beings as property was legal in almost all colonies at the time of the

There were black Confederate soldiers, but the British were promising them liberty, not forcing them to labor and fight for a cause that would continue their dehumanization.

I don’t know if this is performance art or what, but 1) 20,000 black Americans fought for the British after Lord Dunmore’s proclamation, and 2) Crispus Attucks may not have had any African ancestry at all. It’s a whole thing.

Castro was very close, and I’m sure a lot of people in the trans community both appreciate his attempt at an answer and wish he’d got a trans person on his team to help him actually nail it.

“Just because a person who can become pregnant” covers all men, women, and non-binary folk for whom pregnancy and abortion are

Sounds more like Adventure Time with the Lich

If the order of conflicts had just been switched, with Danaerys refusing to fight the Army of the Dead or save Winterfell—till she was recognized as Queen, till she didn’t have enemies to her rear, whatever—it seems like everything works much smoother.

You say that yet I don’t know how many more extrajudicial police executions of unarmed people we’ll need for officers to start being convicted of crimes.

We got John Stewart because the creators said, “What if Green Lantern were black?”

The disconnect between how rape and rapists are vilified in the abstract versus in the specific is one of the strangest (if still explicable) aspects of misogyny.

I am not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure the important facts to establish are whether an adult man had sex with a minor and paid her to do it.

Is “Before I paid her $500, she swore she was at least 17, your Honor” really the best defense a 30-year-old man has, and that’s considered to be a weak case?

It reminds me a bit of Dusty Ray’s art style, and might have benefited from more in that direction.

Surely that’s the whole purpose of the Soul gem.

I can understand (to a degree) his deeper reason of “if you’re the oppressed, the oppressor isn’t going to let you vote to oust them.”

Ha, someone must have written that script, Sony passed on it, and it became Upgrade instead.

The only thing that makes Venom interesting as a character, really, is their literal and figurative relationship with Peter Parker and how toxic that is.

I hear you, but at the same time, that dude can be the one to go into his locker or car and get his cell phone out.

It’s getting more efficient all the time, tho!