Sorry to break it to you, but no less than the freaking Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that copyright infringement is not theft.
Sorry to break it to you, but no less than the freaking Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that copyright infringement is not theft.
People are angry about shit like on-disk DLC and day-one DLC because it's quite literally taking things out of the game we just bought in order to sell it to us. And don't give me that load of bull about day-one DLC being developed after the game went out for manufacture, sometimes this DLC is announced months in…
Overthinking it much?
There's this perception that just because something is Japanese, it has the special power to manipulate or corrupt children, or that Japanese trends are ploys to undermine western nationality. Again, this might be racism at work.
Not that I disagree that parents do not give a fuck about the game stats of random strangers, but how is "parents might barge in at any time whatsoever and demand their kids stop RIGHT NOW" responsibility?
I've seen the short film that trailer is for, and it's freaking hilarious. It's an adaptation of the Chick tract written in the 80s to capitalize on the "D&D is satanic" craze, and although it plays the story totally straight, it's made by the same people who made the The Gamers trilogy and it's so hilariously…
There are various forms of online implementations of D&D and other tabletop games. For asynchronous rather than live play I'm guessing something like forum RPGs would fit better. D&D would take forever if it were play-by-post or so on.
Try Roll20 or other online communities? Unless you insist on playing in person or not at all, there's always groups available online.
Well, it does take dedication to run a campaign unless you're running one-shots, yeah. It's not a hobby that I would say is necessarily for everyone.
See, that's just roleplaying. There's nothing wrong with that and it can lead to hilarious or awesome adventures.
I kinda hate that D&D is practically synonymous with RPGs because it's really just one style of RPG and I've always preferred games that are more narrativist. Whenever telling people I have a tabletop game or something, I usually have to try and explain what it is, stop, roll my eyes, and say "it's like Dungeons and…
It's amazingly fun and interactive in a way that video games aren't. I'm an avid gamer too - over 600 games in my Steam library alone - and not a one of them can hold a candle to the interactivity even a mediocre GM can bring through having an actual human creating the story live in response to your actions.
Having been a GM for several years now, I can say that being able to flexibly adapt to new and unexpected inputs is the #1 skill you need as a GM. Trying to course-correct is just narrative laziness, it's trying to rob players of their agency and inherently harms the story, because player agency is sacred in RPGs -…
It really helps if all the players agree as to why they're playing. If you have two narrativists, two people who just want to screw around (I cast magic missile on the peasant! LOL!), and one person who wants to win and will powergame as hard as possible, they can be stellar players in their own rights and still fail…
The booze and Satanic rituals can really help you unwind and make new friends, too.
I'll take your word for it that the anonymous, newly-made burner account is who it says it is, because I actually find the implications of this even funnier than making a lazier reply like "timpster, is that you?"
You're aware those "got paid for doing nothing, click this not at all shady link!" posts are bots, right? They're not actual people.
Likewise. i09's readers are primarily fans talking about things they like, and that's a working formula for 'em.
Beware! They want to take over and...change the color temperature of your monitor!
I disagree with you there. I think saying that would sound incredibly arrogant and condescending. And assuming the reason you're arguing with someone is persuasion (either persuading your opposite, or persuading an audience), it seems totally necessary and called for to defend and support your own position even if…