
That might still be preferable to the average Youtube comment.

I don't usually play internet detective (nor reply to myself), but I got curious.

Lifehacker is nowhere near as bad about it as most gawker sites. I almost forget Lifehacker is a gawker site because its commenters aren't the special breed of insane you'll see at gawker or, God forbid, jezebel. I've actually had enjoyable and educational discussions with lifehacker commenters.

It is indeed an assertion, but an assertion is not inherently incorrect. It's always good to at least attempt to explain why an opponent's assertion is irrational, mistaken, or predicated on a false premise when you can. All I'm saying is that people are too quick to dismiss anything they can label as a fallacy (especi

Well, timpster1 is not the first timpster to make random posts hawking f.lux. So yes, marketer is not unlikely.

Always disappointed when these infographics don't include the so-called "fallacy fallacy." That is, "because you used a logical fallacy, your conclusion is incorrect."

Does f.lux pay people to promote it or something? Are you just a clever bot? I see more than a few posters who bring it up at utterly random times, and in unrelated topics.

It's called the Tetris Effect and is a well-known phenomenon. Basically your brain does the same repetitive task so many times that it tries to continue doing it even after you're done, sometimes hours or days later. Lots of games can have this effect, but especially games with very repetitive and monotonous screens,

It's a small investment. It's cheaper than Kevlar.

Is it just me, or would Raiden have been 10 times better if he was always voiced by Chris Pratt?

Are you crazy?! Don't give Kojima ideas!

Meh. There's a difference between not holding your hand, and just thrusting you into the world expecting you to know all its shit already. I feel like the Witcher games are best played with a comprehensive walkthrough/strategy guide in your lap, or at the very least, that the second playthrough is the "ideal"

That's fine in non-fiction, but in fiction being overly-brief can lead to things being dull and uninteresting. It's good to add details and sometimes entire scenes that are only tangentially related to the plot, but help explore concepts or themes. Like the cantina scene from Star Wars, exactly nothing in that scene

A thesaurus can be useful, especially when you need to cover the same thing repeatedly but don't wish to sound completely repetitive. I think advice like "put the thesaurus away" is unnecessarily exclusive and leads novice writers to underestimate or fail to understand the proper use of a good tool - it's just that

I admit to being one of those people who complains about the "classic" games turning people off from the hobby, but there are objective reasons why games like Monopoly are, objectively, bad games. It's not just a matter of taste.

Amateur. A good cheater doesn't go for the high-value bills, they settle for the $100s that are more easy to slip in unnoticed. A player suddenly pulling $500 or $1000 out of nowhere is suspicious, but a $100 every now and then doesn't raise eyebrows.

Or Diplomacy.

I disagree. There are plenty of good board games that are perfect for beginners. Monopoly isn't Zelda, it's Superman 64.

Monopoly is objectively a bad, ill-balanced game, for pretty much the exact reason listed in the article - it drags out over a long time even after there is a clear winner. That is bad game design, that is poor balance.

I think the word for that is "embezzlement."

I think the word for that is "embezzlement."