
These recipes are pretty cool, but in my opinion the easiest dog treat to make are sweet potato treats. If you buy them in the store a bag will cost around $20 and only last a week or two. By making them myself I save a ton of money. 8 large sweet potatoes cost me about $3 and will make enough treats to last about a

Exactly. It’s funny that people assume I’m talking about myself in those examples, or that I’m somehow a complete asshole. (Not that I’m not sometimes an asshole) Those examples didn’t happen to me, but they have literally happened to people, so what’s my incentive for risking that for myself?

I think you may have misunderstood my point. Contrary to what this video says, I think it can be wise to simply be nice, polite and vanilla, because too many folks are prone to flip their bitch switch at the drop of a hat.

No, my point is that a not-small amount of people are dicks everywhere, in real life and social media. I’m trying to get through my day with the least amount of hassle - I already have unavoidable hassles awaiting me, so if smiling and nodding will get me out of having more hassles, then that’s a tool I’m going to use.

“It would be okay to make a hash of seducing someone.” well, unless they instead decide to take a photo of you and ridicule you on Twitter, and encourage their followers to ensure you are socially ostracized because you made them feel uncomfortable. Strawman? Possibly. Unless you’re a random dude at a conference

I went to a Jesuit high school and most of the priests there we Christian Existentialists, so that’s about as close to an atheist Christian as you’re going to get.

I don’t see what you’re missing here.

There’s no such thing as an “Atheist Christian.” I’m an atheist who happens to celebrate a secular version of Christmas – there’s no Santa Claus, nobody talks about Jesus, it’s just a colder version of Thanksgiving with a tree in the middle of the room. That said, I don’t expect anyone else to celebrate it the same

There’s a big and very important difference between celebrating traditions associated with a religion and actually being a part of a religion. You can celebrate Christmas and even go to Christian church your entire life without actually being Christian because a religion is based on your internal beliefs, not your

‘Atheist Christian’ is like calling someone a married bachelor. Just because you were previously a follower of a religion and no longer are doesn’t mean the moniker still applies. Some people call themselves secular Jews because they see Judaism as a heritage along with a religion. An atheist christian would be a

Well remember that Christmas trees, many aspects of Santa Claus/St Nicholas, and several other “Christmas” celebrations were originally pagan traditions to celebrate the Winter Solstice, essentially stolen by the Christians in order to convince others to convert by making it easier. You can absolutely celebrate

You rock! It is so wonderful that you aren’t angered by someone else’s beliefs!

Wiccan here who celebrates Yule. Just invite me over for turkey and all the trimmings and we’re good. I don’t care if there’s a Jesus under your tree or if you give me a gift that has “Merry Christmas” on it (Hey, a gift! Wow, thanks for thinking of me!).

Who decides what a ‘fact’ is? And more importantly, since when is Facebook a news organization?

So who’s fact checking the fact checkers? We have seen many times in the past when the fact checkers were (knowingly) wrong.

“Independent fact-checkers disputed its accuracy”

Three. All states have a minimum of 3 electoral votes - the equivalent of their total of Senators (2) and Representatives (1 or more) in Congress.

You won’t get nuance from a blog located in NY about fair representation for small population (large landmass, natural resources, etc.) states.

It needs to stay. It lets the states that don’t have massive populations have a voice in the system. Take Wyoming - it’s got two electoral votes, but that means it’s got at least some influence, which with a state population of about half a mil it wouldn’t have otherwise.