
When is the author buying an EV? What the hell is taking so long? There are plenty of new and used options right now.  Stop killing the planet while you bitch at others to change. When we all burn remember the do what I say while I do whatever the hell I want attitude of the author.

Do we have to tip the robots too?

Good lets make all things food service a proper wage and eliminate tipping. Its a dumb practice. I cant tell you the last time I’ve needed a waiter to go above and beyond taking an order and delivering the food anyways. Just pay them a wage and charge me appropriately for the meal to cover it.

Yeah but as a consumer who knows they make this stuff in mere seconds Id rather order and have it handed to me instead of it sitting in the bag for 10 minutes awaiting my pickup.

Exactly. This may as well just be how fast can you drink 2 liters of liquid. It would be a much cooler record out of the bottle (shotgunning not allowed) with full fizz. I would imagine that tornado technique would work the best.

Its hard to make out but it looks like on the far side of the rendering there is a bit of building that serves as the entrance/access point.

This seems backwards. 3 should be available to on the spot ordering or mobile/pickup and 1 dedicated to mobile/pickup only. Pickup and mobile are inherently faster since payment is already complete so on the spot order lanes should be increased to reduce the bottleneck.

I was going to just write about how I hate beanboozled but since you decided to politics up the food blog I’ll be sure to go buy some anyways. You political nuts are absolutely insufferable. Not everything has to be about politics. Politics is by all measures a cult now. Have fun being pissed all the time.

In high school we learned through pure happenstance and lack of any proper mixers that you could mix Mountain Dew with gin and it was drinkable. We dubbed it magical pixie drink in homage of a Barney Gumble Simpsons quote.

I drink apple juice when out to breakfast and pineapple juice in my pina coladas.  That about sums up my juice drinking.

At this point if you aren’t doing your own cooking and actively avoiding much of what’s at the supermarket you will be obese in America.

My kids love the freeze dried fruit. Before this trend it was also available with Disney branded characters. Donald duck is on the Asian pear packs.  Watchout for the strawberry crispy fruit though.  Its really dusty and will make you cough if you inhale while eating.

That’s pricey. You can get it at Costco way cheaper. Its hard to link Costco stuff because of how they hide pricing but heres a person reselling it on Amazon for still less than half the cost.

Anyone have a good recommendation for imitation crab. Often when I buy it its way too sweet leaning. I want a more salty less sweet brand if that exists.

Why waste a top tier fruit like jackfruit which is delicious when served as jackfruit and make it into a poor excuse for something else.

Id like to also remind the viewing public:

Cool Ranch is undeniably good but Nacho will always be number 1.

I was just at Disneyland last weekend which was the last weekend before they opened to the masses and food ordering was a pain in the ass. They made you order for a time slot often hours ahead. Then when your slot came up you would check in. Then you would get a notice that your food would be ready but when you went

Cooked leafy greens are underappreciated these days. I love them I eat well over 2 pounds a week with my current eating habits. Collards aren’t often in the mix as they are a bit tougher texture wise but sometimes you have to work with what you have. I mostly eat Asian greens like gai lan, yu choi, and ong choi, but I

I think there is truth to that though. They are quite plentiful and gross looking so I imagine early on they were not seen as a delicacy and more as a commoner food. I wonder what the cholesterol levels were in that time period?