I love how Denzel is just playing peak Denzel in this and looks like he’s having the most fun possible.
I love how Denzel is just playing peak Denzel in this and looks like he’s having the most fun possible.
Shit is so funny to me. What does she want to have happen here? What action should be taken and by whom? There’s no Grand High Cancellation Council that is refusing to hear his appeal.
This is the core of it: “But can I tell you how many men have grabbed my genitals in my lifetime? A lot more than Kevin Spacey has grabbed men’s genitals. And none of them has ever apologized to me.”
It sounded like a throwaway line from Barry, anyway.
Yes... they are all things that the writer(s) do when putting together a story. I do know this.
Because it’s not just the debate anymore. Beginning with his 2020 campaign the Democrats’ party line has been “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” He didn’t have to endure the rigors of a presidential campaign because of COVID. People now feel like not just the party but the media have been covering…
Yeah, the case for Harris isn’t that she’s a good choice (she isn’t) but that she’s less obviously compromised than Biden. She isn’t going to drive anyone to the polls, but at least she isn’t going to drive anyone away from them.
If Biden runs I will absolutely vote for him, because look at the alternative.
Yeah, the “he’s not in obvious mental decline due to his age, he’s just exhausted to the point of near-illegibility due to the base-level demands of the job he’s campaigning to keep” defense is really not compelling.
Well, his character from the movie is quite dead.
The dude you’re jawing with basically lost out on an opportunity to a creator of color in the past (in regional theatre, if memory serves), it broke his fucking brain, and now legitimately every problem in the country can be magically traced back to “DEI” and “social justice.”
I can’t honestly say I’ve ever seen anyone defend Secret Invasion, no. It was a come together in hatred moment for any divisions in the fandom similar to Rise of Skywalker for Star Wars fans, lol.
I mean, the problem with the “he was super tired!” excuse is it’s terrible, both as messaging and in its implications. The presidency is inherently tiring and effectively campaigning for the presidency is even more tiring on top of that. If the candidate genuinely needs at least two weeks between major events (there…
Maybe they weren’t lying and he really was still jetlagged after 12 days. Which is a more terrifying thought.
Yeah, I think it can at least be argued (though not definitively) that both Loki and Better Call Saul are *better* than the things they spun off from.
I thought it was funny! Not his real name, but casting the other quicksilver as the fake quicksilver.
At the time I was like “whatever” about the Boner joke. WV was the first D+ show and so nobody knew what to expect with tie ins, crossovers, character cameos, etc. It was a big build with little payoff at the time.
At some point “all-star cast” came to just mean “has working actors you may have seen before somewhere”. (Miles Gutierrez-Riley has four previous screen credits.) Kinda like what happened to “supergroup”!
Hawkeye was my favorite of the shows too, which is almost unfair to compare because of the perfection of casting Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop
I think Inhumans would be more disliked if more people saw it.