Adam J

I had been collecting since the late ‘80s at that point and it was like a HUGE deal for months.

“It wasn’t a big deal when Superman died”

I think that’s his point. With all other characters, the writers want you to believe it’s real this time and it is the end of the character, or at least pretend to believe it is real. With Adam Warlock, nobody has to pretend because it is explicitly. It’s kind of putting a lampshade on the fact that everybody knows

The thing that most struck me this episode in terms of comparing Barry and Breaking Bad-- particularly with Hank/Cristobal and Gene/Leo-- is that getting involved with Barry Berkman, or Walter White, inevitably brings his brand of violence and destruction down on or around you, even when he’s not around.

I’d feel bad except I don’t believe those hypothetical kids exist.

The reason costs balloon in game development is because of marketing costs, and “profits” going to CEOs at such a high margin that the studios themselves get screwed over.

The director of Coda, the woman who Sally was doing the line to, is named Sian Heder.

A time jump a decade into the future seems like the big swing that’s coming.

When John came home at the end of the episode, Sally seemed to be over it — something unpleasant clearly was happening before he walked in the door, which wouldn’t have been the case if this had been Barry’s fantasy.

And then, from the future,

I know, but I’m too old and tired to internet fight about it.

I understand what Karl said, and I also understand that Kendall didn’t give Karl (or apparently anyone else) a final look at what he was intending to do. He then says right before the Q&A, “Detailed financials I will leave to Karl Muller, our legendary CFO, there he is.”

There seems to be a growing perception that every AAA game must be a forever-game with 60+ hours of busy-work over a highly replayable game.

The eating dinner with a napkin over their heads is actually a thing, though, because they were eating ortolan.

Hader confirmed it was a legit time jump.

Yeah, under other directors, they’re far less annoying. 

I like Gunn and I like the Guardians movie, but his (admittedly mild) complaints that Starlord wasn’t consistent with his characterization of him are a little rich, considering Gunn’s characterization has fuck all to do with the comics character.

I’m not going to take the Dunn excuse, he was partying and trying to be the center of attention for many years before that tragedy ever happened. Avoidance of accountability full well knowing the consequences is the limit to which anyone receives mercy.
Or, short hand...the Randy Marsh is stupid and unacceptable.

I was just coming to comment that whatever Moss must’ve done is obviously extremely fucked up and how can there be any way that doesn’t blow back on him somehow? I don’t think you can really get away with torturing a reporter in this scenario.

“the haters were just the start of the internet turning on a franchise.”

It’s so easy to forget that Barry’s the villain until he goes full-on monster when things turn against him. I was so proud of Hank standing up to him!

last year I had people explaining to me that the psycopath who takes people in his garage was “a nice guy trying to avenge his daughter”. Do you still believe that now?