Adam J

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course, but I can’t imagine anyone that’s loved the show from the beginning finding this season boring.

“Da Family”

I’m not so sure that it’s Shiv’s comment that convinces Mattson to increase his bid. I think Roman’s outburst was an unintentionally great negotiating tactic. By displaying genuine emotion, he made Mattson realize that Roman and Kendall could actually walk away from the deal entirely. Mattson knows that he’s not great

I’m not sure it could have come out in February - they might have not had the CGI finished yet.  But it definitely could have come out in August this year, and probably done a lot better.

I thought the line of the night went to Roman:

I’m surprised no one picked this up - GoJo is virtually bankrupt. Roman highlighted it at the end of the episode that Mattson was dicking around for 6 weeks and now it’s like go-go-go. The original Logan deal was 144 all cash - this is 192 50/50 cash to stock meaning he’s folding ATN in while paying $50 less a share.

I think the “pea-shooter” was a gun disguised as a pen, a gag wonderfully set up by “gadgets that never work” discussion. 

This was the funniest episode in quite a while. And hiring comedy pros for small parts is welcomed too.

And she had Mattson cupped in her hands and best, she knew she was winning. Quite the tightrope walk and never wobbling.”

I really liked both Horizon games, and I am completely in for the inevitable sequel. But this article outlines exactly why I don’t play DLC. No matter how much I enjoy a game, once I am away from it for a while I always forget how everything is supposed to work. It is a super frustrating feeling.

I really liked both Horizon games, and I am completely in for the inevitable sequel. But this article outlines exactly why I don’t play DLC. No matter how much I enjoy a game, once I am away from it for a while I always forget how everything is supposed to work. It is a super frustrating feeling. Burning Shores has

Fighting games are the most fun when you are on the starting line learning with everyone else. That you dont know that tells me you dont really pay attention to fighting games in general

It isn't a comedy, but describing is as not funny is overstating the case quite a bit. It has plenty of campy moments, intentional and unintentional. And Ash's ineptitude around bookshelves is pretty funny. The sequel goes all in with the slapstick tone, but there are moment in the original that match the same energy. 

If you’ve been excluded from social events numerous times because of the things you say, to the point you’re “pretty much a shut-in” then you are absolutely the problem.

I sub at our local pre-school, and one of the kids there is *constantly* grabbing things, throwing things, and running pell-mell into things..and people. And more often than not he mutters “sorry” or “oops.” I have repeatedly told him (without effect) that “oops” is for things you don’t mean to do. It’s not a 1:1

Unless the video shows the woman grabbing her own neck, and can be heard screaming “I’m going to blame this on you!” I really don’t see how the video could exonerate Majors.

I agree on a lot you wrote and because of that it didn’t bother me that much during the first season. I got what the show was and had no issue rolling with it then.

Yes and that has absolutely nothing to do with my criticism. Ted’s task and job is to be a manager of a football team. While I do think there is a great deal to admire in a want to help others. Yet the environment he does that is related to a sport he hasn’t seemed to care that much about.

I hang my head in shame

Dude hasn’t even faced legal punishment yet, let’s not be so quick to talk about “redemption” before he even faces consequences of his alleged actions. Also redemption requires owning up to, apologizing for and taking action to correct/prevent future issues, it’s not simply owed and certainly Majors has taken zero