Adam J

Its still seem so insane that “The Thing” was pretty much hated by critics at the time and did mediocre at the box office.   Its my favorite Carpenter film and probably one of my favorite horror movies ever.   I guess at the time the center stage thing was the creature effects and gore but what that movie does so

Don't, they're gamers.

He has never lost his touch for me. Some of his films are better than others, but he is probably the most reliable living director I can think of with a filmography his size. Also, he is pretty much perfect for Henry Sugar.

Matt Fraction?! Good for him, hope he’s cashing in.

I hate nepotism as much as the next guy, but these three are actually funny, which is what you actually want from two sons of comedy writers and a third dude.

Between that Bloodborne demake and stuff like this, I’d be happy with more of this kinda thing if we’re gonna just be seeing remakes all the time.

Now is the winter of our streaming content.

I agree, but I would add as a slight counterpoint - that is the plot of about 60% of comics.

Internet opinion on Shyamalan is so weird - there are far fewer turds in his filmography than people pretend. 

As someone who liked how odd and messy Us was, I fully embrace Jordan Peele’s stranger, messier impulses.

Huh, you’ve made some solid points I didn’t consider. I wonder if that’s why I liked Thor, but didn’t love it. I haven’t been able to put my finger on why I didn’t love it, aside from too many jokes.

Bosses confirmed it was a swap:

I think it’s better to have the same actor replay the role and ask the audience to just go along with it, than it is to recast the actor.

I kind of just hope Sony goes full weirdo with this one even if it doesn’t all work. Marvel is getting less exciting, but I also don’t want the early aughts formula of Morbius.


Look, until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume that Alec Baldwin shot this guy.

When I worked at Software Etc, after merger with Babbage’s and before merger with EB around 1996, I checked the inventory system for old NEO*GEO carts and had all of them shipped to my store since they were going for about $20 instead of the $200 they launched for, at that time and bought all of them.

I think Jonathan Banks is the one who consistently looks older than he should be compared to BB, but yeah, Bob looked pretty odd in that wake/funeral scene.

I honestly don’t really have a dog in this particular race, am perfectly content for people to like or not like whichever version of Justice League they want, and am beginning to come down with what I think is COVID, so I don’t really want nor care to get into a big thing about this.

The first rule of the con is that you die with the lie. I also think that was when Kim realized that she was way, way too good at it.