Adam J

Believe it or not, some people weren’t ages 6-14 when the Empire Strikes Back was released and it hasn’t been a spoiler since some time in 1981. So it’s plausible many people knew this tidbit before they ever saw the movie - esp. if they were alive when the prequels came out, but not old enough to see them.

Wait... what!?!

He has the worst fucking agent. I have trouble thinking of any other actor who’s so talented and yet almost everything they’re in is mediocre to garbage. He’s always good, but the projects he picks... yikes. He’s in so much stuff that I think he just likes working a lot and so will be in anything that’s at least

Ooh, what’s this article? Scenes from an upcoming Dr. Strange movie? Well, I am a spoiler-averse person, so I could merely choose not to click on it. Or, and bear with me on this, I could click on it to whine about it, respond to myself with extra whines, and finish it off with a “I might quit this very website” type

I think the plan is to dress up a stunt/professional driver like Howard, wig and all and have him drive recklessly past Clifford Mane. Possibly while doing a bump of white powder.

I mean, Miles has that, right now. They made Into the Spider-Verse, and are making a sequel to it. It’s a completely separate story for Miles, one that’s not beholden to either the MCU or Sony’s own Spider-man adjacent projects. It is seemingly all the thing you want.

Oh, wow! A sequel to Ghostbusters: Afterlife!

As a fanatical consumer of Spider-Man comics in the 80s, who is very familiar with Venom, Morbius, Kraven, Silver Sable & Black Cat, and Madame Web . . . this is the only Sony/Spidey movie I’ve been excited about, for the very reasons you mention. No baggage, cool concept.

I’ve been unbelievably excited for this since I heard about filming when I was staying out on Fire Island last year. Just like in the trailer I also have a group of friends that have been making an annual visit to the Pines for years now and I’m surprised no one has used it as a backdrop for any films or tv shows

I just wanted to point out spreadsheets exist. I’ve seen them and they’re mindboggling!

Actually, I’m having a hard time understanding the concept of being a “director” on a Marvel movie at this point. While most movies typically have the director behind the camera for almost every shot, everything I’ve read about Marvel movies indicate that it seems to be filmed by multiple second and third and fight

Regarding the one had ever really heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy before the movie, either. But Guardians did get good word of mouth of being a wacky, colorful, and fun movie.

Legit can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not

Here’s the dirty secret about shared universes, and the reason why most of them end up falling apart; for all the hype, most people don’t actually give a shit about them when it comes down to it. Even the hardcore fans who obsessively collate all the background trivia about the universe don’t really care about them as

How has this "blown" Ansari's "redemption arc"? And isn't it a stretch to point out Rogen's presence? Like what is the implication?

When Steve and Layla entered the tomb and were gushing over how fantastic it looked, I was really hoping to see what was so fantastic. Didn’t happen, really.

The Lighthouse in IMAX? That sounds funny cause the screen format was almost square! But I’m super envious you got to do that with him present no less.

LMAO fuck off

Did he just refer to Green Lantern as a Marvel film?

I saw an interview with him recently and he’s so unexpectedly normal. I expected him to be grim, dark, quirky but no, he sounded like just a smart down-to-earth person.