Never tolerate intolerance. Always punch Nazis.
Never tolerate intolerance. Always punch Nazis.
With this administration, always remember the Malcolm X quote, “If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less heal…
I work for an agency that takes advantage of a federal government funding source that is literally profitable for the federal government. This administration has decided to end that program in 2020. Which is understandable because, while the program actually results in the federal goverment having more money than it…
Would be interesting to see what it would look like if we had home school data as well. Does this only include public schools or are private in there, too?
I would really like to hear this argument used more often. These people aren’t going to be swayed by arguments about science or how they’re being selfish and ruining our community’s herd immunity.
But even if vaccines did cause autism, I would rather my child have a small chance of autism than a small chance of death.
My college educated B and SIL are antivaxxers. We have kids the same age. We literally don’t talk to them anymore
I feel bad for autistic people—hearing that someone would rather their child be dead than be like you can’t be easy.
How convenient of you to forget he once requested Dijon with his hamburger.
I know, right? I’ve been in mild contempt mode for everything Fallout ‘76, but the hype is undeniable.
You mean people didn’t come for Fallout? Cause I’m pretty sure most people came for Fallout.
in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea
Murkowski gets an extra gold star because she won by running outside the Trump dominated Republican party (via write-ins) in ruby red Alaska. So she’s got the extra anti- Trump/McConnell juice of “I owe you nothing”
Yup. While I’m not a super huge fan of Collins and Murkowski, they’re the ones with the brass ovaries to consistently take a stand on this. They’re the ones that deserve the credit here.
The guy is a former POW who just found out he is terminally ill and he is being asked to support a bill for the sack of placating the ego of a draft dodging, pustulous sack of lying crap that called him a loser for being a war hero. It’s not intricate political chess. He just ran out of fucks to give at exactly the…
Commented this below, but idk what it takes to get approval on Kinja, but I just wanted to say that had the procedural motion to move forward on debate failed, McConnell and co. could’ve gone back to the drawing board and come back with a bill and tried to pass it as a budget reconciliation bill with only 51 votes.…
The cynical perspective is that EVERYONE knows how bad this was and letting McCain, a man from a purple state who has a lot of sympathy right now because of the cancer diagnoses and will not live to the end of his term, be the deciding vote to give the other 49 Repubs cover to say they did what they said they would do…
I would love to ask the judge WTF made him allow that.
These assholes deserve to go to jail