
Well said. It really isn’t even fair to say that they aren’t accurate because they are accurately representing the temperature of the air surrounding your car. It was never designed to report the local weather so you shouldn’t expect to be able to use it that way.

Sometimes outside car thermometers are so inaccurate that they feel like random number generators. They’re basically the worst feature of the car, next to the car’s infotainment systems. That’s because [...] they’re actually thermistors.

I hope not, but thats just because I’m an over the top Parker fan. But I’d love to play as Miles for about 25-50% of the game like if they let you switch heroes like in AC:Syndicate.

That’s a very interesting theory. Now that you’ve said it, I really don’t understand why they’d put him as the tease at the end of the trailer if he didn’t have a large role. You may be onto something!

Those face sticks that look like big chapstick tubes are awesome for kids as well.

Fuck Pittsburgh

1: Paul Ryan is not the representative of any kids in New Jersey.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

“no matter how much you may want health insurance someday”

So why the hell did they let him on the flight after that trespass?

If I were in her shoes, I’d want the memo and Comey’s testimony. I believe they’ll both be damning, but it’s reasonable for a public official to want the source material and not just the reporting about it.

I think she’s being careful with her words. She doesn’t want the conservatives to go on and on about how she’s leading a witch hunt, etc, etc which they will do anyway, but I think she’s trying to prevent that as much as possible. She’s like, lets find out the facts. Then we will move forward.

I know it’s not an “emergency” becuase you’re still in the fucking theater. You’re phone is a giant blinding light flickering.. it’s not about staring at your selfish ass. I didn’t pay good money to watch people yank out their phones every minute and a half

In a dark theater, that tiny little bright-ass screen is really noticeable, and it takes me out of the moment. If you need to text, stay home and watch movies (or go all the way to the top row where no one is sitting behind you and will see that screen while you’re texting).

We in Venezuela call that a “paquete chileno”... a gift that is just full of shit.

I work at a large law firm and during the recession when mass layoffs were happening all over the place. It just so happened that jusssstttt before those layoffs the firm changed their vacation policy to “unlimited”. This was sold as being this great new benefit for the attorneys, but after the layoffs it became

Just wait until an “unlimited PTO” company gets in a bind with a special needs parent who’s legitimately taking good advantage of the policy.

When I asked for a raise at work, HR pointed out that I had taken a lot of time off. I was under the impression we had unlimited PTO and every time I took time off my boss was completely fine with it. I’m now getting a new job.

Sounds like Admiral Jazzy Pants is just thinking about himself instead of what’s good for the company.

Unlimited PTO is just a way of eliminating employees asking to use their vacation days. More often than not Unlimited policies lead to a decrease in vacation day usage overall, and increase in working while on those days off for those that do take them.

Its just a big way for the employer to screw the employee while