
Considering Mysterio’s schtick, how can make any assumptions?

For all we know, the Elementals we’re seeing here are not the ones we know from comics but could be made-up menaces to have Mysterio claim to be saving folks, manufacturing a crisis that his (other set of special effects) tech gets used to “save” the day

Exactly. The keep having to invent new conspiracies behind the murder of Frank’s family to motivate him.

Yup. Fallon has the best band, and the worst show.

I was on the fence until he kissed Donald’s ass. Now I’m firmly anti-Fallon.

Yeah, but you have to get through Jimmy Fallon’s weird, cloying interview persona to see it. He seems nice but also...hnngugh *shudder*.

I mostly agree. You’re right, he’s a villain who should make heroes question things, but framing him as a hero (which the backhalf of DDS2 and his solo show did) really irked me. DDs2 also had that issue where it felt like a weird about face after being pretty brutally straightforward about how dangerous to the public

Since we all know this is the last season, I really wish they’d end with Castle being killed and nothing changing or getting slightly better. The Punisher doesn’t make things better, he’s a selfish, psychotic vigilante and the world is a better place without him.

When I see a picture like the one above with Billy talking to his psychologist with the 2 police just standing there, you kind of get the feeling that 30 seconds later those policemen are dead on the floor and Billy is out. Makes one really question the protocol where they let such a dangerous person to be standing

Thank you! Making it part of some kind of conspiracy takes away the random horror that breaks Castle. Originally, if The Castles go to zoo or Coney Island then it never happens. It’s the randomness, the knowledge that going left instead of right would have completely changed your life that makes it so horrible for

The whole government conspiracy is why Castle's family was killed, has always been one of the worst backstories for the Punisher. If his family isn't killed by random criminal violence, then they always end up losing focus on what really makes the Punisher work as a character. I like him in small doses and Bernthal

The Punisher season 2 wants to make Frank Castle a Superhero

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This will always be the gold standard of Star Wars hilarity:

I dunno, maybe you can have Picard be a real diva when he performs. Perhaps he gets in an argument with the lighting technician at one of his performances?

A prequel comic to the 2009 movie confirmed Picard was currently ambassador to Vulcan at the time and had long been a part of attempts to unify the Vulcan and Romulan peoples alongside Spock

It seems pretty obvious what happened. Trump initially called the press conference as an impulsive decision (much like most of his actions in office) and genuinely fancied the idea of declaring a state of national emergency because he was upset about losing the House and not getting the wall (and he has nothing else

They should have delayed it and put fact checking comments at the bottom of the feed.

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Wwll, surely next time he wants to do a big TV thing, the networks will have learned, and be like ‘nah, you know, last time wasn’t great, it was kind of a waste of time’.

Whenever I read the name Rob Liefield, the only thing I can think about is this.

I thought she was better than Tarkin. While he looked good he just had that slightly off look when present with other actors. Leia on the other hand was mostly by herself and I guess I could just have been too excited that we were seeing the beginning of Star Wars.