We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
I am not imagining a scenario where I get to kill people though. I am imagining a scenario where you get to kill people. You seem to be avoiding this question because, I suspect, you don’t have an answer for it. I understand your frustration, because I don’t have an answer for it either. This is what makes me unable…
C’mon, seriously. I am a died in the wool liberal, and I think Obama should have done this three years ago.
I don’t get it. Donald J. Trump banned people from Syria to travel to the US and then when he learns Syria is killing their own people he bombs them...should have let them come to the US in the first place to escape. Sad!
This is probably an attempt to increase his favorability. After all, he didn’t care about kids until just recently.
Imagine how competently Trump will run this thing. That pretty much should put you in the anti camp.
He has to take Kushner seriously, because Kushner can, perhaps, convince his father in law, the president, not to dick-step the fight against ISIS. Good thing we had a revolution specifically so we would not have some jumped-up, in over his head, dauphin in charge of a military operation.
Or why not a 12 gauge with some bird shot, many holes at once plus designed to be fired into the air
Visibility seems to be pretty poor.
this comment and kate’s made me rethink my own reaction to the interview, so thanks. i think you’re both right in that something has been elided here. i saw the post-script as a way of trying to make up for some that by acknowledging his own, gross role in objectifying and, really, dehumanizing hathaway. he comes…
No, I’m pretty sure most of us knew well before then that it’s not OK to take/disseminate naked pictures without someone’s consent.
“Anne Hathaway was under no obligation to talk to me—in fact, given her feelings about Jezebel, she had good reason not to”
Man, you guys owe this woman a 50-page apology. I don’t know why anybody hates her— someone didn’t like the sincerity level of a speech she gave and that’s why so many years of public abuse and loathing? Or something? But she sounds 10x smarter & more self-aware & more gracious than any writer here, in any event.
She always seems super nice and her advocacy for LGBT+ and women’s rights is pretty damn awesome. I still don’t understand where the hate came from.
I love her. Yes she’s a bit over the top sometimes (which celebrity isn’t though?) but she’s consistently good in all of her roles and she seems pretty grounded. I never got the hate.
Never got the hatred focused on Anne Hathaway? I have always liked her. I have zero problems with her and have pretty much enjoyed all of her movies.
“Well, I’m sorry if you just can’t handle a fan of sport making sure the rules are followed, good sir.”, the dickbag says, just before calling the HOA about those infernal children selling their damned lemonade down the street.
I wouldn’t say the Major was charismatic in the original movie.
me and Mike Fahey, saw the anticipated and controversial live-action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell, an anime we both love.
Peggy Noonan photo means it’s Peggy Noonan Worst Writing Time.