
You’re right. Trump is going to win in 2020, so long as we continue to demand 100% purity from every Democratic politician.

Awesome. I think the Democratic Party has room for many people who are currently Republicans. I’m not saying we should welcome everyone; Steve Bannon should never be welcome. But she seems like a good person to pick up.

Sure. The trick is to add back in a bit of moisture. Microwave: Add a little water, toss with a fork and nuke until hot through. Alternatively, break up any large clumps and steam just until hot (line the steamer basket with cheesecloth). If you don’t have a microwave or a steamer basket and have to reheat on the

I trust my two year old (who draws on her face, assaults her sister, and puts toys in the diaper genie) more than I trust the elected President of the United States.

This is where President Trump always comes out ahead on these exchanges (at least in the eyes of the people who vote for him). A person making an attempt at intellectual honesty says something like “there’s no evidence that...”. That’s responsible. It’s very hard to prove 100% that something didn’t happen. So

This is insulting to children and babies.

Reassuring to know that your elected officials are really looking out for you, isn’t it?

Warning, such a diet is known to cause severe balance and pain response issues, you will tip over at the slightest brush from another person and writhe in pain on the ground for an inordinate amount of time until someone blows a whistle for you.

My wife consistently uses all of the wrong knives for all of the wrong uses. She is a monster. Really, using a boning knife for chopping celery? 

In addition to being too short, a good, sharp steak knife also has no ridges, so cutting even a baguette with it essentially destroys the bread. You are spot-on, a good bread knife needs to be higher on the list.

Yeah, the bread knife ranking... Every week I read this mailbag, and no matter how self-deprecating Drew is he always asserts something with such confidence yet makes me think, “Is this guy mentally or physically challenged?”

Couple of things, rather than get involved in the anectdotes below. The ACA has had little to no effect on employer based insurance premiums. The risk pools are segregated. Not the segregated pools that get a Trump voter a chubby. Any employer over 100 is rated based on how their own population is running, not the

Most bankruptcies in this country are from medical bills. Hard working people that did everything right, but an unexpected illness or accident happened, just once, and it bankrupted them, wiping out much if not all of their wealth. To boot, MOST of those people had health insurance! This system is broken. Privatizing

You need to real Steven Brill’s book, Bitter Bill, and his Time cover stories on why those stitches cost $2000. Health care is 1/6 of our economy.

I’m alright with each of the new pieces on their own, but I’m pretty disappointed to be gaining a duck AND a penguin.

I’ve always loved the look on his face in that image.

I still don’t understand how this fucking goblin is our president. I mean, I do, but HOW IS THIS FUCKING GOBLIN OUR PRESIDENT?

I hate to break it to you but the American taxpayer is paying for him to eat $55 steaks well-done with ketchup. He ain’t paying for that, he’s the president. He doesn’t pick up a check, it’s all taken care of. And we’re paying his $440,000 salary and whatever they’re paying L’il Jared Kushner to be a “senior advisor”

Hello? Did somebody wish upon my avatar?

It would also help if he ever buttoned his suit. The suit jacket is always open, which is part of why the tie flies up. If he actually wore a suit the way it was meant to be worn, he wouldn’t need the damn tape.