The house is more comfortable than the field. Jeezus. Spot on.
Unfortunately, no! Which is ironic, considering I am a mediocre white man.
My question is can I get military surplus solar shit at gun shows/surplus shops then in 15+ years?
I read they sometimes have unusual clapping styles due to large elaborate rings, often on loan from jewelers...and I can see how bracelets could also be a problem with regular clapping.
He strikes me as the guy you want to be sitting beside when shit like this goes down. I love him.
King of the Chaotic Good.
Oh, she switched the envelopes for real.
Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:
If the protests got out of control, I totally see him declaring martial law and bringing the National Guard out.
If there’s a terrorist attack and Trump survives, he’ll probably suspend elections and declare himself dictator due to “emergency measures” like Hitler did.
For me, Redemption was ok, but Bloodlines just amazing
this is awesome. I love this so much.
I’m not gonna begrude his lawyers doing what they can to get him off, and this is kind of typical of how you try to derail a trial.
Anyone who is complaining that a poorly shaped Pizza Hut pizza “ruined” their Valentine’s Day has an extremely different values system than I do.
Anyone that lives in a decent size city and orders Papa John’s, Domino’s, etc. over independent joints deserve what they get. Most cities have a decent pizza place, no one should ever have to subject themselves to this shit...
Or hire a credible waiter to hover with wedge salads when classified documents are being discussed. Especially because, as pointed out elswhere, the President no doubt sees waitstaff as furniture and couldn’t pick them out of a lineup 30 minutes after dinner.
Okay seriously. If HRC’s emails and Benghazi etc. etc. are worthy of months and years of investigation, how is this not being looked into with regard to national security breaches? Is this when we all call our Congresspeople and demand an investigation?
There is a seriously good chance that this motherfucker will get us all killed.