Leave Betsy DuVos alone.
Leave Betsy DuVos alone.
I agree in the abstract, but the reality of how movies get made in Hollywood runs against this, and it’s not in Johannson’s power to change. It’s likely that this movie wouldn’t get made at all without a ‘name’ actress (consider the fact that Marvel likely won’t make a Black Widow movie, even *with* her name.) The…
She knows she’s never getting a Black Widow solo film (sorry, but like Hawkeye, she’s just a boring human character and wouldn’t make for an interesting film)
I also picture him doing this like he’s in a spy movie. Ducking behind armoires, slinking into doorways.
with Distinction! Anyone would deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction for making the incoming Cheetolini administration look like incompetent fools (although, I guess that wouldn’t be too difficult anyway).
Here’s hoping he also stuffed some beef behind the light sockets.
Maybe he got a really early start and hired a contractor to put in some extra random doors to nowhere while he was at it. This notion brings me great joy.
It’s a great initiative, but also super fucking depressing that even something as logical/straightforward as voting maps are a political battlefield. I vote we figure out an algorithm and put a computer in charge, because people are the goddamn worst.
You know they had an agreement that he would get the Medal of Freedom if he promised not to tell Barack what he was doing. Mind you, he was allowed to do whatever. He just wasn’t allowed to talk about it. Which is honestly the worst part for him, I’m sure.
I bet Joe had something to do with this. He probably just unscrewed all the bulbs so none of the switches appear to work.
Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:
They’re supposed to support the country, not the person in office.
You fucking dumbass, no Navy unit serves a president (aside from that president being a US citizen like any other US citizen). We’re not in Chile or the Philippines or Thailand.
He’ll say he’s too busy fixing America, he’ll find a way to be overseas or he’ll just outright say he doesn’t want to reward the fake media. He definitely won’t leave himself open to roasting.
You shut your whore mouth! He’s not Irish and even if he was, we’d disown him! https://blogs.ancestry.com/cm/donald-trumps-ancestry-how-his-immigrant-family-made-it-in-america/
Why would you grudgingly say it? Seems like a pretty cool dude.
At first I was like, “YEAH FUCK COPS” but this one did right by this girl, even knowing it’d be painful.
While I generally agree and think she is incredibly awesome, I wish she’d gone big and asked to taze the President.
The ice cream is not freeze dried (which does sound terrible.) It’s drops of ice cream dropped into liquid nitrogen to make tiny individual balls of ice cream. Its pretty nifty and they stick to your tongue, which is fun.