1. LOL at “won Civil Rights.” It’s not a contest to win or lose, and if it were, great as MLK and his achievements were, he lost.
1. LOL at “won Civil Rights.” It’s not a contest to win or lose, and if it were, great as MLK and his achievements were, he lost.
That’s Rob Schneider, everyone, just reminding you of how irrelevant he always was.
Seriously? An anti-vaxxer? I’m assuming he’s an a Trump supporter too then because they seem to go hand in hand.
It needs glass shards coated in salt and lemon juice taped to it.
“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert
I have a feeling the next four years will be chock full of whitesplaining.
Wow. Whitesplaining and Douchesplaining in one go. Well done, now go fuck yourself!
The long red-handled nippers in the center look good. They can cut and let you stay pretty far away from the fella you are joking with!
You should try persuading visiting foreign dignitaries that it’s the new official Presidential greeting!
I’m a dude who fully supports any nut kicking, kneeing, punching, or striking with random objects in response to your pussy having been grabbed. I’m in my fourties and I don’t understand show anyone thinks grabbing a woman by the pussy, ass, or breasts is in any way acceptable. I mean in ANY WAY. Massaging a woman’s…
He invoked the ‘lack of men’s rights’ in this country.
Yeah, I love this new world too. I don’t have to be “politically correct.” Like, in the old days when Obummer and his Muslim Jade Helm brethren roamed the land, I would have bit my tongue.
Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.
Yep. That’s how it’s done, none of this “I’m sorry if you were offended” BS.
An excellent apology. Good.
“But now, here’s Kellyanne Conway to tell us we didn’t see what we just saw.”
“Trump later called it a “failing piece of garbage,” and said it would “suffer the consequences” for publishing the report.”