Yeah. Let’s count how the bring up the casting issue...
Yeah. Let’s count how the bring up the casting issue...
Pence shouldn’t have dinner with any underling, one on one. It makes it look like favoritism If that is a venue where someone can get face time with the boss and improve their position and chances for promotion, he’s being a jerk by using a flimsy excuse to hold women who work for him back.
Sure, although there’s evidence that suggests that a portion of that had to do with some targeted social engineering on the part of Russia. That’s a part of what’s being investigated by Congress right now (no matter how they drag their feet). On the other hand, fewer of the general electorate identify as Republicans…
Given how close the margins were, anything you’d like to point to can be said to have swung the election. My personal belief is that the biggest thing that swung it was the utter failure by the media to cover this whole Russian angle when it would have been more relevant (like, say, last July and August and September…
If you want to expand the base of the Democratic party, you have to be willing to accept some people from the Republican party. Sometimes, they have to hit rock bottom before they realize that they need to change their affiliation. Trump might be rock bottom for a lot of people.
That depends. If people go to vote in 2018 and Congress switches sides, it wouldn’t surprise me to see hearings reopened (or opened in some cases) and ultimately Trump impeached and a lot of his administration charged as well. If they don’t, then I expect we’re all rightfully and truly screwed.
It’s probably fair to say that a Hawii (R) is a little to the left of a West Virginia (D) now.
It may be as simple as she doesn’t have strong feelings on that issue, and so toted the party line. That’s sort of what the point of parties is. You have a platform, and, if you’re a representative, you vote the platform when it isn’t something you believe in fighting. That’s why parties have Whips. I think she was…
I showed that trick to someone who basically lived on rice and chicken. He’d make up a bunch of it on Monday and take it to work all week and by the end of the week, he was basically eating dried, hot, rice. He was amazed at what a difference it made.
I’ve told that story to my (GOP) senator and congressional rep (as well as the democratic senator in my state, but I have just a ton of faith in him). I got back, from the senator, a lovely email telling me about how the GOP plans will help open up choices by repealing the ACA. Totally missed the point. My useless rep…
Creamy peanut butter, grape jelly, and a little coconut milk are a base of a truly amazing wing sauce.
You seem to believe that people fundamentally opposed to government can be trusted to govern. How naive.
I read a lot of left-ish sites back in the day and they were pissed Obama didn’t start at single payer to make the GOP bargain. Instead, he took the Heritage Foundation’s health plan, which the GOP had long backed, and said, “Fine. Here’s what you’ve all wanted for years.” And the GOP couldn’t take yes for an answer.…
Corporations are people, too, right? Therefore, they can be assholes (and look, so many of them are!)
My son was born with a congenital heart defect. Nothing we did caused it. Nothing genetic caused it. Apparently, it wasn’t environmental. 5 different doctors explained to us, very patiently, that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it, and nothing we did caused it. It’s just a crap roll of the dice.
Since the teacher didn’t know what it meant, I’m betting that they thought it could have been some sort of racial slur or something like that. Communication with parents isn’t a big deal here. The teacher is just saying, “I don’t know what this means, so you might want to talk to your kid and make sure you do.” If she…
Married, quite happily, for almost 20 years, with a 3 year old son. She digs me even with the sadly square and formal tie (and even digs that I’m not turning on the boyish rakish charm, ‘cause she likes her geek). But I will pass this advice on to my son in about 16 years or so. That’s going in the“Dad has randomly…
When I wear a tie, it’s almost always because I’m in a business setting (or, maybe, something like a wedding or funeral) and so being from accounting is probably a feature, but I accept that for some, a four in hand has a boyish, rakish, charm that is appropriate.
Personally, if I have a tie, I go for a half Windsor. A four in hand always looks crooked to me (even in that picture you provided, it looks like it’s poking off to the left). A half Windsor is even. I’ll grant it’s a little harder than a 4 in hand to tie, but I find I get better results. To each their own. But I…
I have no special knowledge of the situation. Just what my own powers of observation can glean. But if a fashion model wife isn’t making sure that you look good, then I have trouble understanding why. She obviously knows how to dress so you don’t look like a bum. So either he just isn’t listening, or she isn’t trying…