
I wear a tie about 3 times a year, if that. I know how to tie 3 different tie knots, how to use a tie clip, and to never use scotch tape to hold it down. But then, I don’t own crappy ties with the stitching failing them (or if I do, I don’t wear them).

How low the tie goes also depends a little on the knot. A Windsor will chew up a good 3 inches more than a four in hand, “Look, Mom, I just tied my first tie” mess that he’s got going on there.

I feel like this look is a subtle revenge on her part. “You treat me like shit, but I’ll make sure you look like it...”

Exactly. I’ll even bet that he keeps his ties pre-tied, hanging from a hook. He slips it on and tightens, because he got some abomination that approximates a knot and doesn’t want to lose it (but it’s not something that would shorten his absurdly long clown tie, like a half or full Windsor).

I really don’t think he’s trying to keep the tie from flying away. I think it’s because his shitty Trump Brand tie’s seam is failing, and so he’s trying to keep that from showing.

I remember a lot of tie tacks in the 80's, which were a shame since they poked holes in otherwise nice ties (well... It was the 80's, so I’m sure a few might have been nice). The tie clip is there when looser weave ties stopped being as fashionable. Poking a hole in silk is just wrong.

A tie clip can hold your tie down in the wind, so it doesn’t blow over your shoulder and show off the shitty scotch tape you’re using to hold it together because the stitching in it is going out*. You can buy a set of several different colors to coordinate with your tie, shirt and suit for about $15-$20 on Amazon.

Thank you, man! I’m throwing a birthday party for the wife soon, and it’s got a vaguely Mexican/Three Amigo’s theme. I was having trouble thinking of what to serve. This will see me through.

I am a mediocre white man, and I don’t have their confidence.

What was riding at anchor before the city of Al–Khali wasn’t a fleet. It was a fleet of fleets. The masts looked like a floating forest. Down below, Lord Vetinari took his turn to peer through the pipe. ‘So many ships,’ he said. ‘In such a short time, too. How very well organized. Very well organized. One might almost

I have a feeling that this was a resume generating event for someone there, then.

Also, she’s wearing a bunch of rings, some of which look big.

And his tax returns.

Oh, my point was just that it would let you tap the phone and get some malware on their phone via man in the middle techniques.

No, I think it’s not in her power. That film was never going to get made without her or Jennifer Lawrence or someone like that in the lead. It just wasn’t going to happen. It’s a huge budget to hang on both an unknown star and an low-tier property. Ghost in the Shell is NOT Wonder Woman. You can’t cast someone who

This movie is a risky movie for a studio to make. It’s a top-tier anime. That’s about as good as an indie comic book. It’s probably got an inherent draw on par with, maybe, Saga or Red Light Properties? Those aren’t nothing, and they’re good (I’d watch the hell out of either of them), but they’re not going to fill a

Yeah, I find it pretty hard for her to take the work. Besides, this film does have a bunch of Asian actors in it. They were never going to make the movie without a known superstar in the leading role to sell the tickets. You might wish they would, but at the end of the day, the movie has to make bank. So here are the

I love this thought. Everyone’s Uncle Joe, quietly walking around (‘cause he knows Barack won’t approve), unscrewing light bulbs, maybe opening a few light switch fixtures and pulling a wire here or there. Or maybe... Maybe that’s why he got the Medal of Freedom.