
As a heterosexual male and owner of two cats:

My mom tricked me into adopting a second from one of her coworkers while I was drunk. It's worked out perfectly. Old Cat is a spaz who bolts around, plays, jumps up to windows, while New Cat is a bit older and just wants to lounge on my bed all day, but they'll never be alone.

As the owner of a black cat, I can attest that he's definitely the most fun, chill cat I've ever met.

One of my cats sits on top of a recliner I have to get past to get to the kitchen, and he always swipes his paw at me to grab me and bring me in.

My black cat loooooovvvvvveeeees to lay like that. I'll be walking through the hall and past the guest room, and there he'll be, sprawled out like that for the world to see.

You sound like a fun person.

Golfball on a hardwood floor.

Shit. You’re completely right. Not sure how I forgot that one!

Yeah it was kind of weird how the Lowe Post just disappeared for over two months.

It's not like he's unfamiliar with them. Grantland hosted the Basketball Jones episodes for a long while.

Also a Circle City resident. I don't know a single person who has even thought their MIGHT be SOME upside to this law.

The Big Ten also announced that they will review its "impact" at the next meeting between its administrators, presidents and chancellors.

You been on Twitter at all in the last 24 hours? We already are.

Salesforce CEO immediately announced after the bill was signed that they are "cancelling all programs that require [their] customers/employees to travel to Indiana to face discrimination."

Indiana doesn't have anti-discrimination laws to protect people from feeling the brunt of the worst parts of this law. So, we get both the, "Muslim allowed to grow beard in prison because of religious belief," along with the, "This is a Christian diner so no fags allowed."

*whispers* technically he's Black Hispanic.

Tough choices.

This sounds so much like my family it hurts.

My story. Totally not a joke. Was a group of college kids looking for catering.